Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1565

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12 2 STA T . 1 54 2 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 3 4 —M A Y 22 , 200 8inthe te x ti l e a n d a p pa r el s e c t o rin H aiti , and on other m atters o f common concern relatin g tos u ch core la b or standards and w or k ing conditions .‘ ‘ (3)TECHNI C AL A S SIS T ANCE I MPROV EMENT AN D COMPLIANCE NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND REMEDIATION PRO G RAM. — ‘‘( A ) I N GENERAL.—The re q uirement under this para - graph is that Haiti, in cooperation with the International L abor O rgani z ation, has established a Technical Assistance Impro v ement and C ompliance N eeds Assessment and R emediation P rogram meeting the requirements under subparagraph (C)— ‘‘(i) to assess compliance b y producers listed in the registry described in paragraph ( 2 )( B )(i) with the conditions set forth in subparagraph (B) and to assist such producers in meeting such conditions

and ‘‘(ii) to provide assistance to improve the capacity of the G overnment of Haiti— ‘‘(I) to inspect facilities of producers listed in the registry described in paragraph (2)(B)(i); and ‘‘(II) to enforce national labor laws and resolve labor disputes, including through measures described in subparagraph ( E ). ‘‘(B) CONDITIONS DESCRI B ED.—The conditions referred to in subparagraph (A) are— ‘‘(i) compliance with core labor standards; and ‘‘(ii) compliance with the labor laws of Haiti that relate directly to core labor standards and to ensuring acceptable conditions of work with respect to minimum wages, hours of work, and occupational health and safety. ‘‘(C) RE QU IREMENTS.—The requirements for the TAICNAR Program are that the program— ‘‘(i) be operated by the International Labor Organization (or any subdivision, instrumentality, or designee thereof), which prepares the biannual reports described in subparagraph ( D ); ‘‘(ii) be developed through a participatory process that includes the Labor Ombudsman described in para- graph (2) and appropriate representatives of govern- ment agencies, employers, and workers; ‘‘(iii) assess compliance by each producer listed in the registry described in paragraph (2)(B)(i) with the conditions set forth in subparagraph (B) and iden- tify any deficiencies by such producer with respect to meeting such conditions, including by— ‘‘(I) conducting unannounced site visits to manufacturing facilities of the producer; ‘‘(II) conducting confidential interviews sepa- rately with workers and management of the facili- ties of the producer; ‘‘(III) providing to management and workers, and where applicable, worker organizations in the facilities of the producer, on a confidential basis— ‘‘(aa) the results of the assessment carried out under this clause; and ‘‘(bb) specific suggestions for remediating any such deficiencies;