Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1621

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12 2 STA T . 1 598PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 4 4 —J U NE6, 2008 constru ct i ono fWe stern B ou l e va r dEx tension fro mN ort h ern Boulevard to R oute 9 in O cean C ount y, Ne wJ ersey ’ ’


3 7) in item num b er 2 7 0 3 by stri k in g the p ro j ect descrip - tion and inserting ‘ ‘ U pgrading existing railroad crossings with installation of active signals and gates and to study the feasi- bility and necessity of rail grade separation’’; (33 8 ) in item number 1 00 4 by inserting ‘‘ S R 71 near’’ after ‘‘turn lane on’’; (339) in item number 2824 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting the following

‘‘Sevier County, T N,SR3 5 near SR 449 intersection’’; (340) in item number 373 by striking the project description and inserting ‘‘Widening existing H ighway 22 6 , including a bypass of Cash and a new connection to Highway 49’’; (341) in item number 1486, by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘Bridge reconstruction and road widening on Route 252 and Route 30 in Tredyffrin Township, PA ,in conjunction with the Paoli Transportation Center Project’’; (342) in item number 4541 by striking ‘‘of the New Jersey Turnpike, Carteret’’ and inserting ‘‘and the Tremley Point Con- nector Road of the New Jersey Turnpike’’; (343) in item number 4006 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘ I mprovement to Alice’s Road / 105th Street Corridor including bridge, interchange, roadway, right-of-way, and enhancements’’; (344) in item number 2901 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘Purchase of land and conservation ease- ments within U . S. 24 study area in L ucas, Henry, and F ulton Counties, Ohio’’; (345) in item number 2619 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘Improve access to I – 55 between Bayless Avenue and Loughborough Avenue, including bridge 230.06’’; (346) in item number 1687 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘Construct an interchange at I–675 and Warren Avenue near downtown Saginaw’’; (347) by striking item number 206; (348) by striking item number 821; (349) by striking item number 906; (350) by striking item number 1144; (351) in item number 1693 by striking the project descrip- tion and amount and inserting ‘‘Plan and implement truck route improvements in the M aspeth neighborhood of Q ueens County’’ and ‘‘ $ 500,000’’, respectively; (352) in item number 3039 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘Pittsfield greenways construction to connect Pittsfield to the Ann Arbor greenway system, Pittsfield Town- ship’’; (353) in item number 2922 by striking the project descrip- tion and amount and inserting ‘‘ D etroit River International Wildlife Refuge for land ac q uisition adjacent to I–75 in Monroe County for wetland mitigation and habitat restoration, Fish and Wildlife Service’’ and ‘‘$1,800,000’’, respectively; (354) in item number 3641 by striking the matters in the State, project description, and amount columns and inserting ‘‘MI’’, ‘‘River Raisin Battlefield for acquisition of his- toric battlefield land in Monroe County, Port of Monroe’’, and ‘‘$1,200,000’’; respectively;