Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1630

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12 2 STA T . 1 607PUBLIC LA W 110 – 2 4 4 —J U NE 6 , 200 8fol lo wedbyar e inst ate m ent of limited dri v in gp rivi - leges for t h ep u rpose of getting to and from wor k, s c hool, or an alcohol treatment program if an ignition interlock device is installed on each of the motor vehicles owned or operated, or both, by the individual

‘ (B) be sub j ect to the impoundment or immobili z ation of, or the installation of an ignition interlock system on, each motor vehicle owned or operated, or both, by the individual; ’ ’ .SEC.1 1 6 . R ESE A RC HT ECH NI CA L C O RRECTION. S ection 5 5 06 (e)(5)( C ) of title 49 , U nited States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘ $2 ,225,000’’and inserting ‘‘$2,250,000’’. SEC. 11 7 . BUY A M ERICA W AI V ER NOTI F ICATION AN D ANNUAL RE P ORTS. (a) WAIVERNOT I F I C ATIO N . — ( 1 ) I N G ENERA L .—If the Secretary of T ransportation makes a finding under section 3 13(b) of title 23, United States Code, with respect to a project, the Secretary shall— ( A ) publish in the F ederal R egister, before the date on which such finding takes effect, a detailed written jus- tification as to the reasons that such finding is needed; and (B) provide notice of such finding and an opportunity for public comment on such finding for a period of not toe x ceed 60 days. (2) L I M ITATION ON S TAT U TOR Y CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in paragraph (1) shall be construed to re q uire the effective date of a finding referred to in paragraph (1) to be delayed until after the close of the public comment period referred to in paragraph (1)(B). (b) ANNUAL RE P ORTS.—Not later than February 1 of each year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the H ouse of Representatives and the Committee on E nvironment and P ublic Works of the Senate a report on the projects for which the Secretary made findings under section 313(b) of title 23, United States Code, during the preceding calendar year and the justifica- tions for such findings. SEC. 11 8 . EFFICIENT USE OF E X ISTIN G HIGHWAY CAPACITY. (a) STU D Y.—The Secretary of Transportation shall conduct a study on the impacts of converting left and right highway safety shoulders to travel lanes. (b) CONTENTS.—In conducting the study, the Secretary shall— (1) analyze instances in which safety shoulders are used for general purpose vehicle traffic, high occupancy vehicles, and public transportation vehicles; (2) analyze instances in which safety shoulders are not part of the roadway design; (3) evaluate whether or not conversion of safety shoulders or the lack of a safety shoulder in the original roadway design has a significant impact on the number of accidents or has any other impact on highway safety; and (4) compile relevant statistics. Fed e ralR e gist er ,pub li c ati on.23USC 3 1 3 note.