Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1675

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12 2 STA T . 1 65 2 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 4 6 —J U NE 1 8, 2008 Sec.1308 . Adjustm e n ts ofl o a ns. Su b t i tle D— Su g a r Sec. 1 4 01. Sugar p rogram. Sec. 140 2 . U nited States members h ip in the I nternational Sugar O rgani z ation. Sec. 1403. F le x ible mar k eting allotments for sugar. Sec. 1404. Storage facilit y loans. Sec. 140 5 . C ommodity Credit Corporation storage payments. Subtitle E —Dairy Sec. 1501. Dairy product price support program. Sec. 1502. Dairy for w ard pricing program. Sec. 1503. Dairy export incenti v e program. Sec. 1504. R evision of Federal marketing order amendment procedures. Sec. 1505. Dairy indemnity program. Sec. 150 6 . M ilk income loss contract program. Sec. 150 7 . Dairy promotion and research program. Sec. 1508. Report on Department of Agriculture reporting procedures for nonfat dry milk. Sec. 150 9 . Federal Milk Marketing Order Review Commission. Sec. 1510. Mandatory reporting of dairy commodities. Subtitle F—Administration Sec. 1601. Administration generally. Sec. 1602. Suspension of permanent price support authority. Sec. 1603. P ayment limitations. Sec. 1604. Adjusted gross income limitation. Sec. 1605. Availability of q uality incentive payments for covered oilseed producers. Sec. 1606. Personal liability of producers for deficiencies. Sec. 1607. Extension of existing administrative authority regarding loans. Sec. 1608. Assignment of payments. Sec. 1609. T racking of benefits. Sec. 1610. G overnment publication of cotton price forecasts. Sec. 1611. Prevention of deceased individuals receiving payments under farm com - modity programs. Sec. 1612. H ard white wheat development program. Sec. 1613. Durum wheat quality program. Sec. 1614. Storage facility loans. Sec. 1615. State , county, and area committees. Sec. 1616. Prohibition on charging certain fees. Sec. 1617. Signature authority. Sec. 1618. Modernization of Farm Service Agency. Sec. 1619. Information gathering. Sec. 1620. L easing of office space. Sec. 1621. Geographically disadvantaged farmers and ranchers. Sec. 1622. Implementation. Sec. 1623. Repeals. TITLE II—CO N SER V ATION Subtitle A—Definitions and Highly Erodible Land and W etland Conservation Sec. 2001. Definitions relating to conservation title of Food Security Act of 1985. Sec. 2002. Review of good faith determinations related to highly erodible land con- servation. Sec. 2003. Review of good faith determinations related to wetland conservation. Subtitle B —Conservation Reserve Program Sec. 2101. Extension of conservation reserve program. Sec. 2102. Land eligible for enrollment in conservation reserve. Sec. 2103. Maximum enrollment of acreage in conservation reserve. Sec. 2104. Designation of conservation priority areas. Sec. 2105. Treatment of multi-year grasses and legumes. Sec. 2106. Revised pilot program for enrollment of wetland and buffer acreage in conservation reserve. Sec. 2107. Additional duty of participants under conservation reserve contracts. Sec. 2108. Managed haying, grazing, or other commercial use of forage on enrolled land and installation of wind turbines. Sec. 2109. Cost sharing payments relating to trees, windbreaks, shelterbelts, and wildlife corridors. Sec. 2110. Evaluation and acceptance of contract offers, annual rental payments, and payment limitations.