Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1750

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12 2 STA T . 1 7 27 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 46—J U NE 1 8, 2008 theS e cr et a r ys ha l la p p oin t m em b ers to the commission accor d in g to the f ollo w ing re qu irements


At least 1 member shall represent a national con - sumer organi z ation . ( B ) At least 4 members shall represent land-grant uni v ersities or NLGC A I nstitutions (as defined in section 14 0 4 of the National Agricultural R esearch ,Ex tension, and T eaching P olicy Act of 1 97 7(7 U .S.C. 3 103)) with accredited dairy economic programs, with at least 2 of those members being experts in the field of economics. (C) At least 1 member shall represent the food and beverage retail sector. ( D ) 4 dairy producers and 4 dairy processors, appointed so as to balance geographical distribution of mil k produc- tion and dairy processing, reflect all segments of dairy processing, and represent all regions of the United States equitably, including States that operate outside of a F ederal milk marketing order. (3) C HAIR . — The commission shall elect 1 of the appointed members of the commission to serve as chairperson for the duration of the proceedings of the commission. (4) V A C A N C Y .—Any vacancy occurring before the termi- nation of the commission shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. ( 5 )C OMPE N S A T ION.— M embers of the commission shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed by the Secretary from existing budget authority for necessary and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of the duties of the commission. (d) REPORT.— (1) IN G ENERA L .—Not later than 2 years after the date of the first meeting of the commission, the commission shall submit to Congress and the Secretary a report describing the results of the review and evaluation conducted under this sec- tion, including such recommendations regarding the legislative and regulatory options considered under subsection (b) as the commission considers to be appropriate. (2) O PINIONS.—The report findings shall reflect, to the max- imum extent practicable, a consensus opinion of the commission members, but the report may include ma j ority and minority findings regarding those matters for which consensus was not reached. (e) A DV ISORY NAT U RE.—The commission is wholly advisory in nature, and the recommendations of the commission are nonbinding. (f)NOE F FECT ON E X ISTING PROGRAMS.—The Secretary shall not allow the existence of the commission to impede, delay, or otherwise affect any decisionmaking process of the Department of Agriculture, including any rulemaking procedures planned, pro- posed, or near completion. (g) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANCE.—The Secretary shall provide administrative support to the commission, and expend to carry out this section such funds as necessary from budget authority available to the Secretary. (h) AUTHORI Z ATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section.