12 2 STA T . 1 9 9 6PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 4 6 —J U NE 1 8, 2008 ‘ ‘ (41)PASTURE-B ASE D BEE F S Y STE M S RESEAR CHIN ITIATI V E .—Res e arch a nd e xt ens io n g rants m a yb e made u nder this section to study the de v e l o p ment o f forage se q uences and combinations for co w -calf , heifer development, stoc k er, and finishing systems, to deliver optimal nutritive value for efficient production of cattle for pasture finishing, to optimi z e forage systems to improve marketability of pasture-finished beef, and to assess the effect of forage quality on reproductive fitness. ‘‘(4 2 ) AG RICU L TURAL P RACTICES RELATING T O CLIMATE CHANGE.—Research and extension grants may be made under this section for field and laboratory studies that examine the ecosystem from gross to minute scales and for pro j ects that explore the relationship of agricultural practices to climate change. ‘‘(4 3 ) B RUCELLOSIS CONTROL AND ERADICATION.—Research and extension grants may be made under this section to conduct research relating to the development of vaccines and vaccine delivery systems to effectively control and eliminate brucellosis in wildlife, and to assist with the controlling of the spread of brucellosis from wildlife to domestic animals. ‘‘(44) BIGHORN AND DOMESTIC SHEEP DISEASE MECHA- NISMS.—Research and extension grants may be made under this section to conduct research relating to the health status of (including the presence of infectious diseases in) bighorn and domestic sheep under range conditions. ‘‘(4 5 ) AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE AMERICAN- PACIFIC REGION.—Research and extension grants may be made under this section to support food and agricultural science at a consortium of land-grant institutions in the American- Pacific region. ‘‘(4 6 ) T ROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH.—Research grants may be made under this section, in equal dollar amounts to the C aribbean and Pacific Basins, to support tropical and subtropical agricultural research, including pest and disease research, at the land-grant institu- tions in the Caribbean and Pacific regions. ‘‘(4 7 ) V IRAL HEMORRHAGIC SEPTICEMIA.—Research and extension grants may be made under this section to study— ‘‘(A) the effects of viral hemorrhagic septicemia (referred to in this paragraph as ‘V HS’ ) on freshwater fish throughout the natural and expanding range of VHS
and ‘‘(B) methods for transmission and human-mediated transport of VHS among waterbodies. ‘‘(4 8 ) F ARM AND RANCH SAFETY.—Research and extension grants may be made under this section to carry out projects to decrease the incidence of injury and death on farms and ranches, including— ‘‘(A) on-site farm or ranch safety reviews; ‘‘(B) outreach and dissemination of farm safety research and interventions to agricultural employers, employees, youth, farm and ranch families, seasonal workers, or other individuals; and ‘‘(C) agricultural safety education and training. ‘‘(4 9 ) W OMEN AND MINORITIES IN STEM FIELDS.—Research and extension grants may be made under this section to