Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2046

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12 2 STA T . 2 0 2 3PUBLIC LA W 110 – 2 46—J U NE 1 8, 2008 ‘ ‘ (i i )earn e d an ad v an c ed de g ree a t an in s tit u ti o n o fh igher education (as defined in section 10 1 of the H igher E ducation A ctof1 965 ( 2 0 U.S . C . 1001)). ‘‘(E) DUTIESOFD I V ISIO NCH IEFS. — E x ce p t as other w ise provided in this Act , each Division Chief sha l l— ‘‘(i) assist the Under Secretar y in identifying and addressing e m erging agricultural research, education, and extension needs

‘‘(ii) assist the Under Secretary in identifying and prioriti z ing Department - wide agricultural research, education, and extension needs, including funding; ‘‘(iii) assess the strategic wor k force needs of the research, education, and extension functions of the Department, and develop strategic workforce plans to ensure that existing and future workforce needs are met; ‘‘(iv) communicate with research, education, and extension b eneficiaries, including the public, and rep- resentatives of the research, education, and extension system, including the N ational Agricultural R esearch, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory B oard, to promote the benefits of agricultural research, edu- cation, and extension; ‘‘(v) assist the Under Secretary in preparing and implementing the roadmap for agricultural research, education, and extension, as described in section 7 50 4 of the F ood, Conservation, and Energy Act of 200 8

and ‘‘(vi) perform such other duties as the Under Sec- retary may determine. ‘‘(4) G ENE RAL AD M INISTRATION.— ‘‘(A) FUNDIN G .—Notwithstanding any Act making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture, whether enacted before, on, or after the date of enactment of this paragraph unless the appropriation Act specifically refers to this subsection and specifically includes the administra- tion of funds under this section, the Secretary may transfer funds made available to an agency in the research, edu- cation, and economics mission area to fund the costs of Division personnel. ‘‘(B) L IMITATION.— T o the maximum extent prac- ticable— ‘‘(i) the Under Secretary shall minimize the number of full-time e q uivalent positions in the Divi- sions; and ‘‘(ii) at no time shall the aggregate number of staff for all Divisions exceed 3 0 full-time equivalent positions. ‘‘(C) ROTATION OF P ERSONNEL.—To the maximum extent practicable, and using the authority described in paragraph (3)(A), the Under Secretary shall rotate per- sonnel among the Divisions, and between the Divisions and agencies of the Department, in a manner that— ‘‘(i) promotes leadership and professional develop- ment; and ‘‘(ii) enables personnel to interact with other agen- cies of the Department.