Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2141

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12 2 STA T . 211 8PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 46—J U NE 18 , 2008 ‘ ‘ (H)for r e ferr alsth at res u lte din a c i v il enforce m ent action b ein g filed b y the D e p artment of J ustice , the length of time from the referral to the filing of the enforcement action

‘‘( I ) for referrals that resulted in a civil enforcement action being filed by the Department of Justice, the length of time from the filing of the enforcement action to resolu - tion; and ‘‘(J) the average civil penalty imposed in administrative or civil enforcement actions for violations of this A ct, and the total amount of civil penalties imposed in all such enforcement actions; and ‘‘( 2 ) includes any other additional information the S ecretary considers important to include in the annual report . ‘‘(b) FORMAT O F I N FORMAT I ON P RO V I DE D. — For subparagraphs ( C ),( E ), (F), and (H) of subsection (a)( 1 ), the Secretary may, if appropriate due to the number of complaints for a given category, provide summary statistics (including range, ma x imum, minimum, mean, and average times) and graphical representations. ’ ’. (b) S U N S ET.—Effective September 30 , 2012, section 4 1 6 of the Pac k ers and Stockyards Act, 1 9 21, as added by subsection (a)(2), is repealed. SEC.1 1 0 0 5 . PRODU C TI O N CONTR A CTS. T itle II of the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921 ( 7U .S.C. 19 8 et se q .) is amended by adding at the end the follo w ing

‘SEC. 2 0 8 . PRODUCTION CONTRACTS. ‘‘(a) R I GH T OF CONTRA C T PRODUCERS TO CANCE L PRODUCTION CONTRACTS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—A poultry grower or swine production contract grower may cancel a poultry growing arrangement or swine production contract by mailing a cancellation notice to the live poultry dealer or swine contractor not later than the later of— ‘‘(A) the date that is 3 business days after the date on which the poultry growing arrangement or swine produc- tion contract is executed; or ‘‘( B ) any cancellation date specified in the poultry growing arrangement or swine production contract. ‘‘(2) DISCLOSURE.—A poultry growing arrangement or swine production contract shall clearly disclose— ‘‘(A) the right of the poultry grower or swine production contract grower to cancel the poultry growing arrangement or swine production contract; ‘‘(B) the method by which the poultry grower or swine production contract grower may cancel the poultry growing arrangement or swine production contract; and ‘‘(C) the deadline for canceling the poultry growing arrangement or swine production contract. ‘‘(b) RE Q UIRED DISCLOSURE OF ADDITIONAL CA P ITAL INVEST- MENTS IN PRODUCTION CONTRACTS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—A poultry growing arrangement or swine production contract shall contain on the first page a statement identified as ‘Additional Capital Investments Disclosure State- ment’, which shall conspicuously state that additional large capital investments may be required of the poultry grower 7USC19 7 a. 7USC7 2 9 note .