12 2 STA T . 21 49PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 24 6—J U NE 1 8, 2008 ofPaci fic s a lm o n is pr o h i b i ted b y any la w( incl u din g regulations ).‘ ‘( B ) AUTHORI T Y . — ‘‘(i) INGE NER AL .—As soon as practicable after the date of enactment of the F ood ,C onser v ation, and E nergy Act of 20 0 8 , the Corporation shall offer to enter into 3 or more contracts with q ualified entities to carry out research and development regarding a policy to insure the production of aquacultural species in aquaculture operations. ‘‘(ii) BI V ALVE SP E C IES.—At least 1 of the contracts described in clause (i) shall address insurance of bivalve species, including— ‘‘(I) American oysters (crassostrea virginica)
‘‘(II) hard clams (mercenaria mercenaria); ‘‘(III) Pacific oysters (crassostrea gigas); ‘‘(I V ) M anila clams (tapes phillipinnarium); or ‘‘(V) blue mussels (mytilus edulis). ‘‘(iii) FRESH W ATER SPECIES.—At least 1 of the con - tracts described in clause (i) shall address insurance of freshwater species, including— ‘‘(I) catfish (icataluridae); ‘‘(II) rainbow trout (oncorhynchus my k iss); ‘‘(III) largemouth bass (micropterus salmoides); ‘‘(IV) striped bass (morone sa x atilis); ‘‘(V) bream (abramis brama); ‘‘(VI) shrimp (penaeus); or ‘‘(VII) tilapia (oreochromis niloticus). ‘‘(iv) S ALTWATER SPECIES.—At least 1 of the con- tracts described in clause (i) shall address insurance of saltwater species, including— ‘‘(I) Atlantic salmon (salmo salar); or ‘‘(II) shrimp (penaeus). ‘‘(C) R ESEARCH AN D DEVELOP M ENT.—Research and development described in subparagraph (B) shall evaluate the effectiveness of policies and plans of insurance for the production of aquacultural species in aquaculture oper- ations, including policies and plans of insurance that— ‘‘(i) are based on market prices and yields; ‘‘(ii) to the extent that insufficient data exist to develop a policy based on market prices and yields, evaluate how best to incorporate insuring of production of aquacultural species in aquaculture operations into existing policies covering ad j usted gross revenue; and ‘‘(iii) provide protection for production or revenue losses, or both. ‘‘(13) POULTRY INSURANCE POLICY.— ‘‘(A) D E F INITION OF POULTRY.—In this paragraph, the term ‘poultry ’ has the meaning given the term in section 2(a) of the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1 9 21( 7U .S.C. 182(a)). ‘‘(B) AUTHORITY.— T he Corporation shall offer to enter into 1 or more contracts with qualified entities to carry out research and development regarding a policy to insure commercial poultry production.