Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/223

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12 2 STA T . 2 0 0 PUBLIC LA W 110 – 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 (2)ESTABLI S HMEN T W ITHIN DO D .— E xceptas p rovid edi n para g rap h ( 3 ) , the J oint P atho l og yC enter shall b e established in the D epart m ent o f Defense, consistent w ith the final rec - ommendations of the 2 0 0 5 Defense B ase Clos u re and R ealign- ment Commission, as approved by the President. (3) ESTABLISHMENT IN ANOTHE R DE P ARTMENT.— I f the Presi- dent ma k es a determination, within 18 0 days after the date of the enactment of this A ct, that the Joint Pathology Center cannot be established in the Department of Defense, the Joint Pathology Center shall be established as an element of a F ed- eral agency other than the Department of Defense. T he Presi- dent shall incorporate the selection of such agency into the determination made under this paragraph. (d) S ER V I C ES.—The Joint Pathology Center shall provide, at a minimum, the following

(1) Diagnostic pathology consultation services in medicine, dentistry, and veterinary sciences. (2) Pathology education, to include graduate medical edu- cation, including residency and fellowship programs, and con- tinuing medical education. (3) Diagnostic pathology research. ( 4 ) M aintenance and continued moderni z ation of the Tissue Repository and, as appropriate, utilization of the Repository in conducting the activities described in paragraphs (1) through (3). TI T LEV III —ACQU I S ITI ONP OLIC Y, AC - QUISITION M ANA G EMENT, AN DR E- LATED MATTERS Sec.80 0.S hort t i t l e. S ub title A— Ac q ui s itio nP olic ya n dM ana g e m ent Sec. 80 1 . I nternal controls f or p rocurements on behalf of the D epartment of De - fense by certain non-Defense agencies. Sec. 80 2 . L ead systems integrators. Sec. 80 3 . R ein v estment in domestic sources of strategic materials. Sec. 80 4 . C larification of the protection of strategic materials critical to national se- curity. Sec. 80 5 . Procurement of commercial services. Sec. 80 6 . Specification of amounts requested for procurement of contract services. Sec. 80 7 . Inventories and revie w s of contracts for services. Sec. 808. Independent management reviews of contracts for services. Sec. 80 9 . Implementation and enforcement of requirements applicable to undefiniti z ed contractual actions. Sec. 810. Clarification of limited acquisition authority for Special O perations Com- mand. Subtitle B —Provisions Relating to Ma j or Defense Acquisition Programs Sec. 811. Requirements applicable to multiyear contracts for the procurement of major systems of the Department of Defense. Sec. 812. Changes to Milestone B certifications. Sec. 813. Comptroller G eneral report on Department of Defense organization and structure for major defense acquisition programs. Sec. 814. Clarification of submission of cost or pricing data on noncommercial modi- fications of commercial items. Sec. 815. Clarification of rules regarding the procurement of commercial items. Sec. 816. Review of systemic deficiencies on major defense acquisition programs. Sec. 817. Investment strategy for major defense acquisition programs. Sec. 818. Report on implementation of recommendations on total ownership cost for major weapon systems. Acquis i t i onImpr o ve ment a n d Accounta b i l it y Act o f20 0 7.D eadline.