Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/225

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12 2 STA T . 2 0 2 PUBLIC LA W 110 – 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 Sec.8 8 7 . D e f e ns eSc i ence Board re v ie w of De p ar tm ent of Defense po l icies and pro - ced u res for t h eac q uisition of information technolo gy . Sec. 888. G reen procurement policy. Sec. 88 9 . C omptroller General review of use of authority under the Defense P roduc- tion A ct of 1 9 50 . Sec. 890. Prevention of e x port control violations. Sec. 891. Procurement goal for N ative H awaiian-serving institutions and Alas k a Native-serving institutions. Sec. 89 2 . Competition for procurement of small arms supplied to I raq and Afghani- stan. SEC.80 0.S HORT T I T L E. Thist it lemayb e c ite d as the ‘ ‘ A c qu isiti onI m pr o v ement and Accountability Act o f20 0 7’ ’ .Subti t leA— A cq ui s iti onP olic ya n dM ana g e m ent SEC. 80 1 .I N TERN A L CONTROLS F OR P ROC U RE M ENTS ON B EHALF OF THE D EPARTMENT OF DEFENSE B Y CERTAIN NON - DEFENSE A G ENCIES. ( a ) I NSPECTOR S G ENER ALR E VI E W SAN DD ETER M INATIONS. — ( 1 )IN G ENERAL.— F or each covered non - defense a g ency , the Inspector General of the Department of Defense and the Inspector General of such covered non-defense agency shall, not later than the date specified in paragraph (2), j ointly— (A) revie w — (i) the procurement policies, procedures, and internal controls of such covered non-defense agency that are applicable to the procurement of property and services on behalf of the Department by such covered non-defense agency

and (ii) the administration of such policies, procedures, and internal controls; and ( B ) determine in writing whether such covered non- defense agency is or is not compliant with defense procure- ment requirements. (2) DEADLINE F OR REVIEWS AND DETERMINATIONS.—The reviews and determinations required by paragraph (1) shall ta k e place as follows

(A) In the case of the General S ervices Administration, by not later than M arch 1 5 , 2010. (B) In the case of each of the Department of the Treasury, the Department of the Interior, and the N ational Aeronautics and Space Administration, by not later than March 15, 2011. ( C ) In the case of each of the Department of V eterans Affairs and the National Institutes of H ealth, by not later than March 15, 2012. ( 3 ) SEPARATE REVIEWS AND DETERMINATIONS.—The Inspector General of the Department of Defense and the Inspector General of a covered non-defense agency may by joint agreement conduct separate reviews of the procurement of property and services on behalf of the Department of Defense that are conducted by separate business units, or under sepa- rate government-wide acquisition contracts, of the covered non- defense agency. If such separate reviews are conducted, the 10USC23 0 4note. 10 USC 101 note.