Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2312

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12 2 STA T . 22 89PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 46—J U NE 18 , 2008 ac c ordingt ot hef or ms and reg ul ations p rescri b edb y the S ecretary of the T reasury , setting forth any mar k et gain reali z edbyata x- payer during the taxable year in relation to the repayment of a loan issued by the C ommodity Credit Corporation, w ithout regard to the manner in which such loan was repaid .‘ ‘ ( b ) S TA T EM E N T S T OB E FUR N I S H E D TO P ERSONS W ITH R ES P E C T TO WHOM I N F ORMATION IS RE Q UIRED. — The Secretary of A griculture shall furnish to each person whose name is re q uired to be set forth in a return required under subsection (a) a written statement showing the amount of market gain reported in such return. ’ ’. (b) C L ERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of sections for subpart A of part III of subchapter A of chapter 61 is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 6 039 I the following new item

‘ Sec.6039J . Informati on re p ortin gw it h re s pect to C ommo d it y Credit Corporation transactions. ’ ’. (c) E FFECTI V E D ATE.—The amendments made by this section shall apply to loans repaid on or after J anuary 1, 2 00 7 . PARTV— PR O T EC T I O N O FS OCIA L SEC U RIT YSEC.1536 1. PROT ECT I O N O F SOCI AL SEC U RIT Y . To ensure that the assets of the trust funds established under section 201 of the Social Security Act ( 4 2 U .S.C. 401) are not reduced as a result of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer annually from the general re v enues of the Federal G overnment to those trust funds the following amounts: (1) For fiscal year 2009, $5 ,000,000. (2) For fiscal year 2010, $9,000,000. (3) For fiscal year 2011, $ 8 ,000,000. (4) For fiscal year 2012, $7,000,000. (5) For fiscal year 2013, $8,000,000. (6) For fiscal year 2014, $8,000,000. (7) For fiscal year 2015, $8,000,000. (8) For fiscal year 2016, $6,000,000. (9) For fiscal year 2017, $7,000,000. Subti t leD—Trad e P r ov i s io n s PART I—E X TENSION OF CERTAIN TRA D E B ENEFITS SEC. 15 40 1.S H ORT TITLE. This part may be cited as the ‘‘ H aitian Hemispheric O ppor- tunity through Partnership Encouragement Act of 2008’’ or the ‘‘HOPE II Act’’. SEC. 1540 2 . B ENEFITS FOR APPAREL AN D OTHER TE X TILE ARTICLES. (a) V ALUE-ADDED RULE.—Section 213A(b) of the Carribean Basin Economic Recovery Act (19 U.S.C. 2703a(b)) is amended as follows: (1) The subsection heading is amended to read as follows: ‘‘APPAREL AND OTHER TE X TILE ARTICLES’’. (2) Paragraph (1) is amended to read as follows: ‘‘(1) VALUE-ADDED RULE FOR APPAREL ARTICLES.— Hait ia n H em i sph e r i cO pp o rt u nit y throu g h P artnership E ncouragement A cto f20 0 8.19USC 2 7 01 note. 4 2 USC 401 note. 2 6 USC 60 3 9 J note.