Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2744

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12 2 STA T . 2 7 21 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 89—J UL Y3 0 , 2008 ‘ ‘ (2)RECIP IE NT.—Thet e rm ‘re cip ie n t ’ me a n s an in d i v id u a lo r entit y that receives assistance f rom a S tate or State des - i g nated entity from amounts made availa b le to the State or State designated entity under this section. ‘‘( 3 )S HOR T AG EO FS TAN D ARD RENTA LU NITS B OTH AFFORD- ABLE AND A V AILABLE TO E X TRE M EL Y LO W -INCOME RENTER HOUSEHOLDS.— ‘‘( A ) I N GENERAL.—The term ‘shortage of standard rental units both affordable and available to e x tremely lo w -income renter households’ means for any State or other geographical area the gap between— ‘‘(i) the number of units with complete plumbing and k itchen facilities with a rent that is 3 0 percent or less of 30 percent of the ad j usted area median income as determined by the Secretary that are occu- pied by extremely low-income renter households or are vacant for rent

and ‘‘(ii) the number of extremely low-income renter households. ‘‘( B ) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—If the number of units described in subparagraph (A)(i) exceeds the number of extremely low-income households as described in subpara- graph (A)(ii) , there is no shortage. ‘‘( 4 ) SHORTAGE OF STANDARD RENTAL UNITS BOTH AFFORD- ABLE AND AVAILABLE TO VERY LOW-INCOME RENTER HOUSE- HOLDS.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘shortage of standard rental units both affordable and available to very low- income renter households’ means for any State or other geographical area the gap between— ‘‘(i) the number of units with complete plumbing and kitchen facilities with a rent that is 30 percent or less of 5 0 percent of the adjusted area median income as determined by the Secretary that are occu- pied by very low-income renter households or are vacant for rent; and ‘‘(ii) the number of very low-income renter house- holds. ‘‘(B) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—If the number of units described in subparagraph (A)(i) exceeds the number of very low-income households as described in subparagraph (A)(ii), there is no shortage. ‘‘(5) V ERY LOW-INCOME FAMILY.—The term ‘very low-income family’ has the meaning given such term in section 1 303, except that such term includes any family that resides in a rural area that has an income that does not exceed the poverty line (as such term is defined in section 67 3(2) of the O mnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1 98 1 (42 U .S. C . 9902(2)), including any revision re q uired by such section) applicable to a family of the si z e involved. ‘‘(6) VERY LOW-INCOME RENTER HOUSEHOLDS.—The term ‘very low-income renter households’ means a household whose income is in excess of 30 percent but not greater than 50 percent of the area median income, with adjustments for smaller and larger families, as determined by the Secretary. ‘‘(g) REGULATIONS.—