Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/275

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12 2 STA T . 2 5 2 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 withduer e ga rd fo r differe nc e s in p rogra m re q uirements among agencies that ma yb e appropriate and warranted in v iew of the agency mission .T he A dministrator sha l l evaluate the implementa - tion of the provisions of subsection ( b ) bye x ecutive agencies. (d) A CQUIS I T I ONA N DC ONT R ACTIN G TRAINING REP ORTING. — The Administrator for F ederal P rocurement Policy shall ensure that the heads of executive agencies collect and maintain standardi z ed information on the acquisition and contracting wor k force related to the implementation of subsection (b). (e) ACQUISITION W OR KF ORCE H U M AN CAPITA LS UCCESSION PLAN.— ( 1 ) I N GENERAL.— N ot later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act , each Chief Acquisition O fficer for an executive agency shall develop, in consultation with the Chief Human Capital Officer for the agency and the Asso- ciate Administrator for Acquisition Workforce Programs, a succession plan consistent with the agency ’ s strategic human capital plan for the recruitment, development, and retention of the agency’s acquisition workforce, with a particular focus on warranted contracting officers and program managers of the agency. ( 2 ) CONTENT OF PLAN.—The acquisition workforce succes- sion plan shall address— (A) recruitment goals for personnel from procurement intern programs

( B ) the agency’s acquisition workforce training needs; (C) actions to retain high performing acquisition profes- sionals who possess critical relevant skills; ( D ) recruitment goals for personnel from the Federal Career Intern Program; and ( E ) recruitment goals for personnel from the Presi- dential M anagement Fellows Program. (f) TRAINING IN T H E ACQUISITION OF ARCHITECT AND ENGINEERING SER V ICES.—The Administrator for Federal Procure- ment Policy shall ensure that a sufficient number of Federal employees are trained in the acquisition of architect and engineering services. (g) U TILI Z ATION OF RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION AUTHORI- TIES.—The Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy, in coordination with the Director of the Office of Personnel Manage- ment, shall encourage executive agencies to utilize existing authori- ties, including direct hire authority and tuition assistance programs, to recruit and retain acquisition personnel and consider recruiting acquisition personnel who may be retiring from the private sector, consistent with existing laws and regulations. (h) DEFINITIONS.—In this section

(1) E X ECUTIVE AGENC Y .—The term ‘ ‘executive agency’’ has the meaning provided in section 4 (1) of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act (41 U.S.C. 4 03 (1)). (2) CHIEF ACQUISITION OFFICER.—The term ‘‘Chief Acquisi- tion Officer’’ means a Chief Acquisition Officer for an executive agency appointed pursuant to section 1 6 of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act (41 U.S.C. 414). Deadlin e .