Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2942

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12 2 STA T . 2 9 19 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 29 3—J UL Y 30 , 200 8Sec.402 . Se ns e ofC on gr ess. Sec. 40 3 . Al loc ati onoff u n d s. TI T LEV—M ISCELLA N E OU S Sec. 5 0 1 . Mac h ine reada b le v isa fees. TITLE VI—EME RG ENC YP LAN F OR IN D IAN SAFETY AND H EALTH Sec. 6 01. E m ergenc yp lan for Indian safety and health. SEC.2 . FIND IN G S. Section2 o f t h e U nite d St a te sL eade r shi pAg ainst HIV/ AI D S ,Tub ercu l osis, and M alaria Act of 2 0 0 3( 22U . S. C . 76 0 1) isa m ended b y adding at the end the follo w ing

‘(2 9 ) O n May 27, 2003, the P resident signed this Act into law, launching the largest international public health program of its k ind e v er created. ‘‘(30) B etween 2003 and 200 8 , the United States, through the President ’ s E mergency Plan for AIDS R elief (PEP F AR) and in con j unction with other bilateral programs and the multi - lateral G lobal Fund has helped to — ‘‘(A) provide antiretroviral therapy for over 1,900,000 people

‘‘(B) ensure that over 1 5 0,000 infants, most of whom would have likely been infected with HIV during pregnancy or childbirth, were not infected; and ‘‘(C) provide palliative care and HIV prevention assist- ance to millions of other people. ‘‘(31) W hile United States leadership in the battles against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria has had an enormous impact, these diseases continue to take a terrible toll on the human race. ‘‘(32) According to the 2007 AIDS Epidemic Update of the J oint United N ations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)— ‘‘(A) an estimated 2,100,000 people died of AIDS- related causes in 2007; and ‘‘(B) an estimated 2,500,000 people were newly infected with HIV during that year. ‘‘(33) According to the World Health Organi z ation, malaria kills more than 1,000,000 people per year, 70 percent of whom are children under 5 years of age. ‘‘(3 4 ) According to the World Health Organization, 1⁄3 of the world’s population is infected with the tuberculosis bac- terium, and tuberculosis is 1 of the greatest infectious causes of death of adults worldwide, killing 1,600,000 people per year. ‘‘(35) Efforts to promote abstinence, fidelity, the correct and consistent use of condoms, the delay of se x ual debut, and the reduction of concurrent sexual partners represent important elements of strategies to prevent the transmission of HIV/ AIDS. ‘‘(36) According to UNAIDS— ‘‘(A) women and girls make up nearly 60 percent of persons in sub-Saharan Africa who are HIV positive; ‘‘(B) women and girls are more biologically, economi- cally, and socially vulnerable to HIV infection; and ‘‘(C) gender issues are critical components in the effort to prevent HIV/AIDS and to care for those affected by the disease. ‘‘(37) Children who have lost a parent to HIV/AIDS, who are otherwise directly affected by the disease, or who live