Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2972

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12 2 STA T . 2 94 9 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 29 3—J UL Y 30 , 200 8rega r din g gender - re spo nsi v e in t erventions , disaggregated by age and se x;‘ ‘ ( ii ) identi f y and rep l i c ate effective m odels; and ‘‘(iii) develop gender indicators to meas u re out- comes and t h e impacts of interventions; and ‘‘( F ) establishing appropriate systems to — ‘‘(i) gather epidemiological and social science data on HIV


‘‘(ii) evaluate the effectiveness of prevention efforts among men w ho have sex with men, with due consider- ation to stigma and ris k s associated with disclosure .’ ’; ( 4 ) in paragraph ( 5 )— ( A ) by redesignating subparagraph ( C ) as subpara- graph ( D ); and ( B ) by inserting after subparagraph (B) the following

‘‘(C) MECHANISMTO ENS UR E COST-E F FECTI V E D RU GP UR- CHASING.— S ub j ect to subparagraph (B), mechanisms to ensure that safe and effective pharmaceuticals, including antiretrovirals and medicines to treat opportunistic infec- tions, are purchased at the lowest possible price at which such pharmaceuticals may be obtained in sufficient q uantity on the world market, provided that such pharma- ceuticals are approved, tentatively approved, or otherwise authori z ed for use by— ‘‘(i) the Food and Drug Administration; ‘‘(ii) a stringent regulatory agency acceptable to the Secretary of Health and Human Services; or ‘‘(iii) a quality assurance mechanism acceptable to the Secretary of Health and Human Services.’’; (5) in paragraph ( 6 )— (A) by amending the paragraph heading to read as follows: ‘‘(6) R E L ATED AND COORDINATED ACTIVITIES.—’’; (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end; (C) in subparagraph (C), by striking the period at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and (D) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(D) coordinated or referred activities to— ‘‘(i) enhance the clinical impact of HIV / AIDS care and treatment; and ‘‘(ii) ameliorate the adverse social and economic costs often affecting AIDS-impacted families and communities through the direct provision, as necessary, or through the referral, if possible, of support services, including— ‘‘(I) nutritional and food support; ‘‘(II) safe drinking water and adequate sanita- tion; ‘‘(III) nutritional counseling; ‘‘(IV) income-generating activities and liveli- hood initiatives; ‘‘(V) maternal and child health care; ‘‘(VI) primary health care; ‘‘(VII) the diagnosis and treatment of other infectious or sexually transmitted diseases; ‘‘(VIII) substance abuse and treatment serv- ices; and