Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2974

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12 2 STA T . 2 95 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 29 3—J UL Y 30 , 200 8‘ ‘ (B)transi ti o n strat eg ies to ens u re sustaina b i l it y o f su chp rogra m san d acti v ities , including health care sys - tems, under other international donor support, or budget support by respective foreign governments .’ ’. (d) COMPACTS A NDFR AM EW OR KAG REEMENTS. —S ection 104 A of such Act is amended— (1) by redesignating subsections (e) through (g) as sub- sections (f) through (h)

and ( 2 ) by inserting after subsection (d) the follo w ing

‘‘(e) COMPACTS AND FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS.— ‘‘(1) F I NDINGS.—Congress ma k es the following findings: ‘‘(A) T he congressionally mandated I nstitute of M edi- cine report entitled ‘ PE PFA R Implementation: Progress and Promise’ states: ‘The ne x t strategy [ of the U .S. G lobal AI D S Initiative ] should s q uarely address the needs and challenges involved in supporting sustainable country H I V/ AIDS programs, thereby transitioning from a focus on emergency relief.’. ‘‘(B) O ne mechanism to promote the transition from an emergency to a public health and development approach to HIV/AIDS is through compacts or framework agreements between the United States Government and each partici- pating nation. ‘‘(2) E L EMENTS.—Compacts on HIV/AIDS authori z ed under subsection (d)( 8 ) shall include the following elements: ‘‘(A) Compacts whose primary purpose is to provide direct services to combat HIV/AIDS are to be made between— ‘‘(i) the United States Government; and ‘‘(ii)(I) national or regional entities representing low-income countries served by an existing United States Agency for International Development or Department of Health and Human Services presence or regional platform; or ‘‘(II) countries or regions— ‘‘(aa) experiencing significantly high HIV prevalence or risk of significantly increasing incidence within the general population; ‘‘(bb) served by an existing United States Agency for International Development or Depart- ment of Health and Human Services presence or regional platform; and ‘‘(cc) that have inadequate financial means within such country or region. ‘‘(B) Compacts whose primary purpose is to provide limited technical assistance to a country or region con- nected to services provided within the country or region— ‘‘(i) may be made with other countries or regional entities served by an existing United States Agency for International Development or Department of Health and Human Services presence or regional plat- form; ‘‘(ii) shall require significant investments in HIV prevention, care, and treatment services by the host country; ‘‘(iii) shall be time-limited in terms of United States contributions; and Deadlin e s.