Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2977

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12 2 STA T . 2 954PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 29 3—J UL Y 30 , 200 8(B)bystrik i ng s u b pa ragrap h ( C )an d ins e rting the fol lo w ing

‘(C) a detailed breakdown of funding allo c ations , by progra m and by country, for pre v ention activities

and ‘‘( D ) a detailed assessment of the impact of programs established pursuant to such sections, including — ‘‘(i)( I ) the effectiveness of such programs in reducing— ‘‘(aa) the transmission of H I V , particularly in women and girls; ‘‘(bb) mother - to-child transmission of HIV, including through drug treatment and therapies, either directly or by referral; and ‘‘(cc) mortality rates from HIV /A ID S

‘‘(II) the number of patients receiving treatment for AIDS in each country that receives assistance under this Act; ‘‘(III) an assessment of progress towards the achievement of annual goals set forth in the timetable re q uired under the 5 -year strategy established under section 10 1 of the U nited States L eadership Against HIV/AIDS, T uberculosis, and M alaria Act of 2 00 3 and, if annual goals are not being met, the reasons for such failure; and ‘‘(IV) retention and attrition data for programs receiving United States assistance, including mortality and loss to follow-up rates, organi z ed overall and by country; ‘‘(ii) the progress made toward— ‘‘(I) improving health care delivery systems (including the training of health care workers, including doctors, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, laboratory technicians, and compensated commu- nity health workers, and the use of codes of con- duct for ethical recruiting practices for health care workers); ‘‘(II) advancing safe working conditions for health care workers; and ‘‘(III) improving infrastructure to promote progress toward universal access to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care by 2013; ‘‘(iii) a description of coordination efforts with rel- evant e x ecutive branch agencies to link HIV/AIDS clin- ical and social services with non-HIV/AIDS services as part of the United States health and development agenda; ‘‘(iv) a detailed description of integrated HIV/AIDS and food and nutrition programs and services, including— ‘‘(I) the amount spent on food and nutrition support; ‘‘(II) the types of activities supported; and ‘‘(III) an assessment of the effectiveness of interventions carried out to improve the health status of persons with HIV/AIDS receiving food or nutritional support;