Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2991

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12 2 STA T . 2 968PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 29 3—J UL Y 30 , 2008 term re qui reme n t s, e p i d emi ol o g i ca le v idence, t h e share o f treat - ment needs b eing met b y partner governments and other sources of treatment funding, and other appropriate factors

‘ (3) the treatment goal under section 402 (a)(3) shall be increased above the number calculated under paragraph ( 1 ) by the same percentage that the average U nited S tates G overn- ment cost per patient of providing treatment in countries receiving bilateral HIV/A I D S assistance has decreased com- pared w ith fiscal year 200 8


‘‘(4) the prevention and care goals established in clauses (i) and (iv) of section 104A(b)(1)(A) of the F oreign Assistance Actof1 96 1(22U . S. C . 21 5 1b – 2(b)(1)(A)) shall be increased consistent with epidemiological evidence and available resources. ’ ’. TI T LEV—M I SC ELL AN E OU S SEC.501 . MA C HIN E R EA D A BL E V ISA F EES. (a) F E EI NCR E AS E. —N otwithstanding any other provision of law— (1) not later than O ctober 1, 2010, the Secretary of State shall increase by $ 1 the fee or surcharge authori z ed under section 140(a) of the Foreign R elations Authorization Act, Fiscal Y ears 1994 and 1995 ( P ublic L aw 103–236; 8 U.S.C. 1351 note) for processing machine readable nonimmigrant visas and machine readable combined border crossing identification cards and nonimmigrant visas; and (2) not later than October 1, 2013, the Secretary shall increase the fee or surcharge described in paragraph (1) by an additional $1. (b) DE PO S IT O F A M O U NTS.—Notwithstanding section 140(a)(2) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1994 and 1995 (Public Law 103–236; 8 U.S.C. 1351 note), fees collected under the authority of subsection (a) shall be deposited in the T reasury. TITLE VI—EME RG ENC YP LAN F OR IN D IAN SAFETY AND H EALTH SEC. 6 01. EMER G ENC YP LAN F O R INDIAN SAFE T Y AND HEALTH. (a) E STA BL IS H MENT OF FUN D .—There is established in the Treasury of the United States a fund, to be k nown as the ‘‘Emer- gency Fund for Indian Safety and Health’’ (referred to in this section as the ‘‘Fund’’), consisting of such amounts as are appro- priated to the Fund under subsection (b). (b) TRANSFERS TO FUND.— (1) IN G ENERAL.—There is authorized to be appropriated to the Fund, out of funds of the Treasury not otherwise appro- priated, $2,000,000,000 for the 5-year period beginning on October 1, 2008. (2) A V AILABILIT Y OF AMOUNTS.—Amounts deposited in the Fund under this section shall— (A) be made available without further appropriation; ( B ) be in addition to amounts made available under any other provision of law; and (C) remain available until e x pended. Ef f ectiv e da te .25USC4 4 3 c. D ead l i n e s . 8 USC 1 351 n o te.