Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3153

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12 2 STA T .3 13 0PUBLIC LA W 110 – 31 5— AU G .1 4, 200 8‘ ‘ (D)Op p ortuni ti esf or ne w te ach ers to d raw direct ly onthee x pertise of teacher m entors , faculty, and researchers to support the inte g ration of empirically -b ased practice and scientifically v alid research with practice . ‘‘( E ) T he development of s k ills in instructional and behavioral interventions derived from empirically-based practice and, where applicable, scientifically valid research. ‘‘( F ) Faculty who — ‘‘(i) model the integration of research and practice in the classroom

and ‘‘(ii) assist new teachers with the effective use and integration of technology in the classroom. ‘‘( G ) I nterdisciplinary collaboration among exemplary teachers, faculty, researchers, and other staff who prepare new teachers with respect to the learning process and the assessment of learning. ‘‘( H ) A ssistance with the understanding of data, particularly student achievement data, and the applica- bility of such data in classroom instruction. ‘‘(I) R egular and structured observation and evaluation of new teachers by multiple evaluators, using valid and reliable measures of teaching skills. ‘‘( 15 ) LIM I TED E NGL I SHPROF I C IENT.—The term ‘limited English proficient ’ has the meaning given the term in section 9 1 0 1 of the Elementary and S econdary Education Act of 19 6 5. ‘‘(16) PA RENT.—The term ‘parent’ has the meaning given the term in section 9101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. ‘‘(1 7 ) PARTNER INSTIT U TION.—The term ‘partner institution’ means an institution of higher education, which may include a two-year institution of higher education offering a dual pro- gram with a four-year institution of higher education, partici- pating in an eligible partnership that has a teacher preparation program— ‘‘(A) whose graduates exhibit strong performance on State-determined q ualifying assessments for new teachers through— ‘‘(i) demonstrating that 8 0 percent or more of the graduates of the program who intend to enter the field of teaching have passed all of the applicable State qualification assessments for new teachers, which shall include an assessment of each prospective teacher’s sub j ect matter knowledge in the content area in which the teacher intends to teach; or ‘‘(ii) being ranked among the highest-performing teacher preparation programs in the State as deter- mined by the State— ‘‘(I) using criteria consistent with the require- ments for the State report card under section 2 05(b) before the first publication of such report card; and ‘‘(II) using the State report card on teacher preparation required under section 205(b), after the first publication of such report card and for every year thereafter; and ‘‘( B ) that requires—