Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3163

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12 2 STA T .3 1 40PUBLIC LA W 110 – 31 5— AU G .14 , 200 8baseduponm ode l so f su c cessful t eac hi n gr esidencies that ser v es as a mechanism to prepare teachers for success in the high - need schools in the eligible partnership , and shall be designed to include the follo w ing characteristics of successful programs

‘ ( i )T he integration of pedagog y , classroom prac- tice, and teacher mentoring . ‘‘(ii) E ngagement of teaching residents in rigorous graduate-level course wor k to earn a master ’ s degree while undertaking a guided teaching apprenticeship. ‘‘(iii) E x perience and learning opportunities along- side a trained and experienced mentor teacher — ‘‘( I ) whose teaching shall complement the resi- dency program so that classroom clinical practice is tightly aligned with coursework

‘‘(II) who shall have extra responsibilities as a teacher leader of the teaching residency program, as a mentor for residents, and as a teacher coach during the induction program for new teachers, and for establishing, within the program, a learning community in which all individuals are expected to continually improve their capacity to advance student learning; and ‘‘(III) who may be relieved from teaching duties as a result of such additional responsibil- ities. ‘‘(iv) The establishment of clear criteria for the selection of mentor teachers based on measures of teacher effectiveness and the appropriate sub j ect area knowledge. Evaluation of teacher effectiveness shall be based on, but not limited to, observations of the following: ‘‘(I) P lanning and preparation, including dem- onstrated knowledge of content, pedagogy, and assessment, including the use of formative and diagnostic assessments to improve student learning. ‘‘(II) A ppropriate instruction that engages stu- dents with different learning styles. ‘‘(III) C ollaboration with colleagues to improve instruction. ‘‘(I V ) Analysis of gains in student learning, based on multiple measures that are valid and reliable and that, when feasible, may include valid, reliable, and objective measures of the influence of teachers on the rate of student academic progress. ‘‘(V) In the case of mentor candidates who will be mentoring new or prospective literacy and mathematics coaches or instructors, appropriate skills in the essential components of reading instruction, teacher training in literacy instruc- tional strategies across core subject areas, and teacher training in mathematics instructional strategies, as appropriate.