12 2 STA T .3 1 45PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 315 — AU G .14 , 200 8‘ ‘ (2)makepublic l y a v ailable a r ep o r td etaili ng t h e S ec - retary ’s evaluation o f each such program . ‘‘(i) CONSULTA T I ON. — ‘‘( 1 ) I N GE NE R AL.— M embers of an eligible partnership that receives a grant under this section shall engage in regular consultation throughout the development and implementation of programs and activities carried out under this section. ‘‘(2) R EGULAR C O M MUNICATION.— T o ensure timely and meaningful consultation as described in paragraph (1) , regular communication shall occur among all members of the eligible partnership, including the high-need local educational agency. Such communication shall continue throughout the implementation of the grant and the assessment of programs and activities under this section. ‘‘( 3 ) W RITTEN CONSENT.—The Secretary may approve changes in grant activities of a grant under this section only if the eligible partnership submits to the Secretary a w ritten consent of such changes signed by all members of the eligible partnership. ‘‘( j ) CONSTRUCTION.— N othing in this section shall be construed to prohibit an eligible partnership from using grant funds to coordi- nate with the activities of eligible partnerships in other States or on a regional basis through G overnors, State boards of education, State educational agencies, State agencies responsible for early childhood education, local educational agencies, or State agencies for higher education. ‘‘(k) SU P PLEMENT, NOT SUPPLANT.— F unds made available under this section shall be used to supplement, and not supplant, other Federal, State, and local funds that would otherwise be e x pended to carry out activities under this section. ‘ ‘ SEC.203 . ADMIN IS TR ATI V E P R O VISIONS. ‘‘(a) D URATION
NUM B ERO FAW AR D S; P A Y MENTS.— ‘‘(1) DURATION.—A grant awarded under this part shall be awarded for a period of five years. ‘‘(2) NUMBER OF AWARDS.—An eligible partnership may not receive more than one grant during a five-year period. Nothing in this title shall be construed to prohibit an individual member, that can demonstrate need, of an eligible partnership that receives a grant under this title from entering into another eligible partnership consisting of new members and receiving a grant with such other eligible partnership before the five- year period described in the preceding sentence applicable to the eligible partnership with which the individual member has first partnered has expired. ‘‘(b) PEER RE V IEW.— ‘‘(1) PANEL.—The Secretary shall provide the applications submitted under this part to a peer review panel for evaluation. With respect to each application, the peer review panel shall initially recommend the application for funding or for dis- approval. ‘‘(2) PRIORITY.—The Secretary, in funding applications under this part, shall give priority— ‘‘(A) to eligible partnerships that include an institution of higher education whose teacher preparation program has a rigorous selection process to ensure the highest q uality of students entering such program; and 20USC1 022 b.Pu b lic i nformat ion.