Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3262

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12 2 STA T .3 23 9PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 31 5— AU G .1 4, 200 8‘ ‘ (B)isemploy e dfu ll -t ime a s a dieti c ia nw it h ana g ency of the special supplemental nut r ition program for women , infants, and children under section 17 of the C hild N utri- tion A ctof1 96 6( 42U.S .C. 17 8 6). ‘‘(11) MEDICALSP ECIALIS T S. —T he indi v idual— ‘‘(A) has received a degree from a medical school at an institution of higher education

and ‘‘(B) has b een accepted to, or currently participates in, a full-time graduate medical education training program or fellowship (or both) to provide health care services (as recogni z ed by the Accreditation Council for G raduate Med- ical E ducation) that— ‘‘(i) re q uires more than five years of total graduate medical training; and ‘‘(ii) has fewer United States medical school grad- uate applicants than the total number of positions available in such program or fellowship. ‘‘(12) ME N TAL H EALTH P ROF ESSIONALS.—The individual— ‘‘(A) has not less than a master ’ s degree in social wor k , psychology, or psychiatry; and ‘‘(B) is employed full-time providing mental health services to children, adolescents, or veterans. ‘‘(1 3 ) D ENTISTS.—The individual— ‘‘(A)(i) has received a degree from an accredited dental school (as accredited by the Commission on Dental Accredi- tation); ‘‘(ii) has completed residency training in pediatric den- tistry, general dentistry, or dental public health; and ‘‘(iii) is employed full-time as a dentist; or ‘‘(B) is employed full-time as a member of the faculty at a program or school accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. ‘‘(14) STEM E M PLO Y EES.—The individual is employed full- time in applied sciences, technology, engineering, or mathe- matics. ‘‘(1 5 ) P HYSICAL THERAPISTS.—The individual— ‘‘(A) is a physical therapist; and ‘‘(B) is employed full-time providing physical therapy services to children, adolescents, or veterans. ‘‘(16) S U PERINTENDENTS, PRINCIPALS, AND OTHER ADMINIS- TRATORS.—The individual is employed full-time as a school superintendent, principal, or other administrator in a local educational agency, including in an educational service agency, in which 3 0 percent or more of the schools are schools that qualify under section 465(a)(2)(A) for loan cancellation for Per- kins loan recipients who teach in such a school. ‘‘(17) O CCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS.—The individual is an occupational therapist and is employed full-time providing occupational therapy services to children, adolescents, or vet- erans. ‘‘(c) Q UALIFIED L OAN AMOUNT.— ‘‘(1) I N G ENERAL.—Sub j ect to paragraph (2), for each school, academic, or calendar year of full-time employment in an area of national need described in subsection (b) that a borrower completes on or after the date of enactment of the H igher Education Opportunity Act, the Secretary shall forgive not more than $ 2,000 of the student loan obligation of the borrower