Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3375

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12 2 STA T .3 3 5 2 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 315 — AU G .1 4, 200 8‘ ‘ (A)contribu t e toc a rr y in g out t h e p urpo s eso f this section

an d ‘‘( B ) are appro v ed by the S ecretary as part of the revie w and acceptance of such app l ication . ‘‘(e) INTERAC T IO N W IT HO THER G RANT P RO G RA MS . —N o institu - tion that is eligible for and receives an award under section 326,51 2, or 7 2 4 for a fiscal year shall be eligible to apply for a grant, or receive grant funds, under this section for the sa m e fiscal year. ‘‘(f) FU N D ING R U L E.—Sub j ect to subsection (g), of the amount appropriated to carry out this section for any fiscal year— ‘‘(1) the first $9 , 0 00,000 (or any lesser amount appro- priated) shall be available only for the purposes of ma k ing minimum grants under subsection (a)(3) to eligible institutions listed in subparagraphs (A) through (R) of subsection (b)(1), e x cept that if the amount appropriated is not sufficient to pay the minimum grant awards to all such eligible institutions, the amount of the minimum award to each such eligible institu- tion shall be ratably reduced; ‘‘(2) after the application of paragraph (1), an amount shall be available for the purpose of making minimum grants under subsection (a)(3) to eligible institutions listed in subsection (b)(1) that do not receive a grant under paragraph (1), if any, except that if the amount appropriated is not sufficient to pay the minimum grant awards to all such eligible institutions, the amount of the minimum award to each such eligible institu- tion shall be ratably reduced; and ‘‘(3) any amount in excess of $9,000,000 shall be made available to each of the eligible institutions identified in sub- paragraphs (A) through (R) of subsection (b)(1), pursuant to a formula developed by the Secretary that uses the following elements

‘‘(A) T he ability of the institution to match Federal funds with non-Federal funds. ‘‘(B) The number of students enrolled in the q ualified masters degree program at the eligible institution in the previous academic year. ‘‘( C ) The average cost of attendance per student, for all full-time students enrolled in the qualified masters degree program at such institution. ‘‘( D ) The number of students in the previous year who received a degree in the qualified masters degree program at such institution. ‘‘( E ) The contribution, on a percent basis, of the pro- grams for which the institution is eligible to receive funds under this section to the total number of African Americans receiving masters degrees in the disciplines related to the programs for the previous year. ‘‘(g) H OLD HARMLESS RULE.—Notwithstanding paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (f), no eligible institution identified in sub- section (b)(1) that receives a grant under this section for fiscal year 2009 and that is eligible to receive a grant for a subsequent fiscal year shall receive a grant amount for any such subsequent fiscal year that is less than the grant amount received for fiscal year 2009, unless— ‘‘(1) the amount appropriated is not sufficient to provide such grant amounts to all such institutions and programs that received grants under this section for such fiscal year and