Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3443

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12 2 STA T .34 2 0PUBLIC LA W 110 – 31 5— AU G .14 , 200 8oftheam o un ta p p r opr i ate d to c arr y out thi s section in each fisca l year to enter into contracts descri b ed in para -g raph (1) ( B ) .‘ ‘(c) SUP P LEM E NTNO T SUPPL A NT. —A recipient of a grant or contract under this section may use the funds pro v ided only to supplement funds made available from non- F ederal sources to carry out the activities supported by such grant or contract , and in no case to supplant such funds from non-Federal sources. ‘ ‘ SEC.835 . AUTHORIZ ATIO N O F A P PROPRIATIONS. ‘‘ T here are authori z ed to be appropriated to carry out this part such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 20 0 9 and each of the five succeeding fiscal years. ‘ ‘ PARTO—C O L L EG E PART N ER SHI P GRANTS ‘‘SEC. 8 41 .CO L LE G E PARTNERSHIP GRANTS AUTHORIZE D . ‘‘(a) GR ANT S AUT H OR IZ E D .—From the amount appropriated to carry out this section, the Secretary shall a w ard grants to eligible partnerships for the purposes of developing and implementing articulation agreements. ‘‘(b) E LI G I B LE P ARTNERSHIPS.—For purposes of this part, an eligible partnership shall include at least two institutions of higher education, or a system of institutions of higher education, and may include either or both of the following

‘‘(1) A consortia of institutions of higher education. ‘‘(2) A State higher education agency. ‘‘(c) PRIORIT Y .—The Secretary shall give priority to eligible part- nerships that— ‘‘(1) are located in a State that has employed strategies described in section 486 A(d)

or ‘‘(2) include— ‘‘(A) one or more j unior or community colleges (as defined by section 3 12(f)) that award associate ’ s degrees; and ‘‘(B) one or more institutions of higher education that offer a baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate degree not awarded by the institutions described in subparagraph (A) with which it is partnered. ‘‘(d) M ANDATORY U SEO F FUNDS.—Grants awarded under this part shall be used for— ‘‘(1) the development of policies and programs to e x pand opportunities for students to earn bachelor’s degrees, by facili- tating the transfer of academic credits between institutions and expanding articulation and guaranteed transfer agreements between institutions of higher education, including through common course numbering and general education core cur- riculum; ‘‘(2) academic program enhancements; and ‘‘(3) programs to identify and remove barriers that inhibit student transfers, including technological and informational programs. ‘‘(e) O PTIONAL USE OF FUNDS.—Grants awarded under this part may be used for— ‘‘(1) support services to students participating in the pro- gram, such as tutoring, mentoring, and academic and personal counseling; and 20USC1 1 6 1 o. 20 USC 1161 n–4 .