Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3445

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12 2 STA T .34 22 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 31 5— AU G .14 , 200 8education cu r ricu l a , includin gE ngli sh language instruction, to re f lect the content of for - credit occu p ational certificate or degree progra m s, or clusters of such programs, in w hich de v elopmental education students are enrolled or plan to enroll .S uch wor k force b ridge programs shall integrate the curricula and the instruction of the developmental and college-level coursework. ‘ ‘ ( f )PERMIS SI BL E ACT I V ITIES. — An institution of higher edu- cation that receives a grant under this section ma y use the grant funds to carry out one or more of the following activities

‘‘( 1 ) D esigning and implementing innovative ways to improve retention in and completion of developmental education courses, including enrolling students in cohorts, accelerating course content, dually enrolling students in developmental and college-level courses, tutoring, providing counseling and other supportive services, and giving small, material incentives for attendance and performance. ‘‘( 2 ) I n consultation with faculty in the appropriate depart- ments, reconfiguring courses offered on-site during standard academic terms for modular, compressed, or other alternative schedules, or for distance-learning formats, to meet the needs of working adults. ‘‘( 3 ) Developing counseling strategies that address the needs of students in remedial education courses, and including counseling students on career options and the range of pro- grams available, such as certificate programs that are articu- lated to degree programs and programs designed to facilitate transfer to four-year institutions of higher education. ‘‘( 4 ) Improving the q uality of teaching in remedial courses through professional development, reclassification of such teaching positions, or other means the institution of higher education determines appropriate. ‘‘( 5 ) Any other activities the institution of higher education and the Secretary determine will promote retention of, and completion by, students attending institutions of higher edu- cation. ‘‘(g) G R AN T PERI OD .—Grants made under this section shall be for a period of not less than three years and not more than five years. ‘‘(h) T EC H NICAL ASSISTANCE.—The Secretary shall provide tech- nical assistance to recipients of, and applicants for, grants under this section. ‘‘(i) R E P ORT AND S U MMAR Y .—Each institution of higher edu- cation that receives a grant under this section shall report to the Secretary on the effectiveness of the program in enabling stu- dents to move rapidly from developmental coursework into for- credit occupational courses and through program completion. The Secretary shall summari z e the reports, identify best practices, and disseminate the information from such summary and identification to the public. ‘‘( j ) AUTHORI Z ATION O F APPROPRIATIONS.—There are authorized to carry out this section such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 2 0 0 9 and each of the five succeeding fiscal years.