Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3574

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12 2 STA T .35 51 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 32 4— S E PT. 24 , 200 8(17)insub s ect i o n (s) , b y st r i k in g‘ ‘ $2 ,7 6 6 ’ ’ a n d inserting ‘‘$2, 8 2 9 ’’ . (b) AD D IT I ONALC O MPE N S ATION F O RD EPENDENTS. —S ection 111 5 (1) o f suc h tit l eisa m ended— (1) in sub p aragraph (A), by striking ‘‘$1 3 9’’ and inserting ‘‘$1 4 2’’

(2) in subparagraph ( B ), by striking ‘‘$24 0 ’’ and ‘‘$70’’ and inserting ‘‘$245’’ and ‘‘$71’’, respecti v ely; (3) in subparagraph (C), by striking ‘‘$94’’ and ‘‘$70’’ and inserting ‘‘$96’’ and ‘‘$71’’, respectively; (4) in subparagraph (D), by striking ‘‘$112’’ and inserting ‘‘$114’’; (5) in subparagraph ( E ), by striking ‘‘$265’’ and inserting ‘‘$271’’; and (6) in subparagraph ( F ), by striking ‘‘$222’’ and inserting ‘‘$227’’. (c) CLOT H IN G ALLO W AN C E FOR CERTAIN DISA B LED V ETERANS.— Section 1162 of such title is amended by striking ‘‘$662’’ and inserting ‘‘$677’’. (d) DEPENDENC Y AND I NDEMNITY COMPENSATION FOR S U R V IVING SPOUSES.— (1) N EW LAW DIC.—Section 1311(a) of such title is amended— (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘$1,067’’ and inserting ‘‘$1,091’’; and (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘$228’’ and inserting ‘‘$233’’. (2) O LD LAW DIC.— T he table in paragraph (3) of such section is amended to read as follo w s

‘‘ P ay grade M onthly rate Pay grade Monthly rate E–1. ...................... $ 1 ,09 1 W – 4 ...................... $1, 3 0 5 E– 2 ....................... $1,091 O –1 ....................... $1,153 E–3 ....................... $1,091 O–2 ....................... $1,191 E–4 ....................... $1,091 O–3 ....................... $1,2 7 4 E–5 ....................... $1,091 O–4 ....................... $1,349 E– 6 ....................... $1,091 O–5 ....................... $1,4 8 5 E–7 ....................... $1,129 O–6 ....................... $1,674 E–8 ....................... $1,191 O–7 ....................... $1,808 E–9 ....................... $1,242 1 O–8 ....................... $1,985 W–1 ....................... $1,153 O–9 ....................... $2,123 W–2 ....................... $1,198 O–10 ..................... $2,328 2 W–3 ....................... $1,234 1Ifthev ete rans erve d as ser g eant m a jo rofthe A rm y, sen i or en l isted advisor of the N avy, c hief master sergeant of the Air F orce, sergeant major of the M arine C or p s, or master chief petty officer of the Coast Gu ard, at the applica b le time des - ignated by section 1302 of this title, the surviving spouse ’ s rate shall be $ 1,3 4 2 .2 If the veteran served as Chairman or V ice-Chairman of the J oint Chiefs of S taff, Chief of Staff of the Army, Chief of Naval O perations, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Commandant of the Marine Corps, or Commandant of the Coast Guard, at the applicable time designated by section 1302 of this title, the surviving spouse’s rate shall be $2,4 9 9.’’ (3) ADDITIONAL DIC FOR CHILDREN OR DISABILITY.—Section 1311 of such title is amended— 38USC1 11 5.