Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3606

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12 2 STA T .358 3 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 32 9— S E PT. 30 , 2008 shal l beforc arr ying o ut sub p art 1 of part A of title IV of the H igher Ed ucation Act of 1 965.( b )S ubparagraph (E) of section 40 1(b)( 8 ) of the Higher Edu - cation Act of 1965 shall not apply to any funds m ade a v ailable under subparagraph (A) of such section through the date specified in section 106( 3 ) of this j oint resolution. S EC . 159. N ot w ithstanding any other provision of this joint resolution , there is appropriated for payment to the heirs-at-law of Stephanie T ubbs J ones, late a R epresentative from the State of O hio, $ 169,300. SEC. 160. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this joint resolution, there is appropriated for ‘ ‘ D epartment of Veterans Affairs — Veterans B enefits Administration— F ilipino Veterans E q uity C ompensation Fund ’ ’ for payments to eligible persons who served in the P hilippines during W orld War II as authori z ed, $198,000,000, to remain available until e x pended. (b) The amount provided by this section is designated as an emergency requirement and necessary to meet emergency needs pursuant to section 2 04(a) of S. Con. Res. 21 (110th Congress) and section 301(b)(2) of S. Con. Res. 7 0 (110th Congress), the concurrent resolutions on the budget for fiscal years 2008 and 2009. SEC. 161. The authority provided by section 1603(a) of Public L aw 109 – 234 shall continue in effect through the date specified in section 106(3) of this joint resolution. SEC. 162. Notwithstanding section 235(a)(2) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U .S.C. 2195(a)(2)), the authority of subsections (a) through (c) of section 234 of such Act shall remain in effect through the date specified in section 106(3) of this joint resolution. SEC. 163. Notwithstanding any other provision of this joint resolution, up to $5,000,000 of the amounts appropriated under the heading ‘‘Other Bilateral Economic Assistance—Department of the Treasury—Debt Restructuring’’ in Public Law 109–102, in such Act as made applicable to fiscal year 2007 by the Continuing Appro- priations Resolution, 2007 (as amended by Public Law 110–5), and in title III of division J of Public Law 110–161, may be used to assist Liberia in buying bac k its commercial debt through the Debt Reduction Facility of the International Development Associa- tion. SEC. 164. The first proviso under the heading ‘‘Department of State— M igration and Refugee Assistance’’ in title III of division J of Public Law 110–161 shall not apply to amounts provided by this joint resolution. SEC. 165. Notwithstanding section 101 of this joint resolution, the number in the third proviso under the heading ‘‘Military Assist- ance—Funds Appropriated to the President—Foreign Military Financing Program’’ in title IV of division J of Public Law 110– 161 shall be deemed to be $670,650,000 and shall apply to the $2,550,000,000 made available for assistance for Israel in fiscal year 2009 under the heading ‘‘Foreign Military Financing Program’’. SEC. 166. Notwithstanding section 101, amounts are provided for ‘‘Department of Transportation—Federal Aviation Administra- tion—Operations’’ at a rate for operations of $8,756,800,000, of which not less than $1,099,402,000 shall be available for aviation safety activities. Ap p licab ili ty.Isr a e l. L iberia. S tep h a n ie Tu bbs Jo nes.