Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3610

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12 2 STA T .3587PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 32 9— S E PT. 30 , 2008 shal l be a v a i lable on l yf o rt hat pu rpose until su c hti m easthe transfer authority provi d ed by subsection ( f ) ta k es effect w ith re g ard to the amounts .O nly subsection (c) , including the notification re q uirements of such subsection, and subsections (g) and (i) apply to amounts described in this subsection. (e) TRANSFE R O F P R I OR AP PROPRIA T IONS TO FU N D . — The S ec - retary of Agriculture may transfer to the R ural D evelopment Dis- aster Assistance Fund, and merge with other amounts generally appropriated to the Fund, the available unobligated balance of any amounts that were appropriated before the date of the enact- ment of this Act for programs and activities of the Rural Develop- ment M ission Area to respond to a disaster and were designated by the C ongress as an emergency requirement if, in advance of the transfer, the Secretary determines that the unobligated amounts are no longer needed to respond to the disaster for which the amounts were originally appropriated and the Secretary provides a certification of this determination to the Committees on Appro- priations of the H ouse of Representatives and the Senate. (f) TRANSFER OF OT H ER APPROPRIATIONS TO FUND.— U nless otherwise specifically provided in an appropriations Act, the Sec- retary of Agriculture may transfer to or within the Rural Develop- ment Disaster Assistance Fund, and merge with other amounts generally appropriated to the Fund, the available unobligated bal- ance of any amounts that are appropriated for fiscal year 20 0 9 or any subsequent fiscal year for programs and activities of the Rural Development Mission Area to respond to a disaster and are designated by the Congress as an emergency requirement if, in advance of the transfer, the Secretary determines that the unobli- gated amounts are no longer needed to respond to the disaster for which the amounts were originally appropriated and the Sec- retary provides a certification of this determination to the Commit- tees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate. A transfer of unobligated amounts with respect to a disaster may not be made under this subsection until after the end of the two-year period beginning on the date on which the amounts were originally appropriated for that disaster. (g) AD M INISTRATI V E EX PENSES.— I n addition to any other funds available to the Secretary of Agriculture to cover administrative costs, the Secretary may use up to 3 percent of the amounts allo- cated from the Rural Development Disaster Assistance Fund for a specific disaster to cover administrative costs of Rural Develop- ment ’ s State and local offices in the areas affected by the disaster to carry out disaster related activities. (h) L IMITATION ON PER DISASTER O BL I G ATIONS.—Amounts in the Rural Development Disaster Assistance Fund, e x cept for amounts described in subsection (d) that are appropriated to the Fund and obligated in accordance with that subsection, may not be obligated in excess of $1 ,000,000 for a disaster until at least 1 5 days after the date on which the Secretary of Agriculture notifies the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Secretary’s determination to obligate addi- tional amounts and the reasons for the determination. The Sec- retary may not obligate more than 50 percent of the funds contained in the Rural Development Disaster Assistance Fund for any one disaster unless the Secretary declares that there is a specific and extreme need that additional funds must be provided in response to such disaster at time of the obligation. Deadlin e .Not i f i c ation. C e r tification. Certification. Ap plica b ilit y .