Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3649

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12 2 STA T .36 26 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 32 9— S E PT. 30 , 200 8SEC.8023 . None o fth ef u n dsap p r opr i ated by this Ac t sha l l bea v ailable to perfor m any cost study pursuant to the provisions of OMBC ircular A –76 if the study bein g performed e x ceeds a period of 2 4 months after initiation of such study w ith respect to a single function activity or 30 months after initiation of such study for a multi - function activity. SEC. 8024. D uring the current fiscal year , the Department of Defense is authori z ed to incur obligations of not to exceed $ 3 5 0,000,000 for purposes specified in section 2350 j( c ) of title 1 0, U nited States Code, in anticipation of receipt of contributions, only from the G overnment of K uwait, under that section


d, T hat upon receipt, such contributions from the Government of Kuwait shall be credited to the appropriations or fund which incurred such obligations. SEC. 8025. (a) Of the funds made available in this Act, not less than $34, 9 29,000 shall be available for the Civil Air P atrol Corporation, of which — (1) $26,605,000 shall be available from ‘ ‘Operation and Maintenance, Air F orce ’ ’ to support Civil Air Patrol Corporation operation and maintenance, readiness, counterdrug activities, and drug demand reduction activities involving youth programs

(2) $7,435,000 shall be available from ‘‘Aircraft Procure- ment, Air Force’’; and (3) $889,000 shall be available from ‘‘Other Procurement, Air Force’’ for vehicle procurement. (b) The Secretary of the Air Force should waive reimbursement for any funds used by the Civil Air Patrol for counter-drug activities in support of Federal, State, and local government agencies. SEC. 8026. (a) None of the funds appropriated in this Act are available to establish a new Department of Defense (depart- ment) federally funded research and development center (FF R DC), either as a new entity, or as a separate entity administrated by an organization managing another FFRDC, or as a nonprofit mem- bership corporation consisting of a consortium of other FFRDCs and other non-profit entities. (b) No member of a Board of Directors, Trustees, Overseers, Advisory Group, Special I ssues Panel, V isiting Committee, or any similar entity of a defense FFRDC, and no paid consultant to any defense FFRDC, except when acting in a technical advisory capacity, may be compensated for his or her services as a member of such entity, or as a paid consultant by more than one FFRDC in a fiscal year: Provided, That a member of any such entity referred to previously in this subsection shall be allowed travel expenses and per diem as authorized under the Federal J oint Travel Regulations, when engaged in the performance of membership duties. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, none of the funds available to the department from any source during fiscal year 2009 may be used by a defense FFRDC, through a fee or other payment mechanism, for construction of new buildings, for payment of cost sharing for projects funded by Government grants, for absorption of contract overruns, or for certain charitable con- tributions, not to include employee participation in community service and / or development. (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, of the funds available to the department during fiscal year 2009, not more than 5,600 staff years of technical effort (staff years) may be funded Kuwait.