Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3718

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12 2 STA T .3695PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 329 — S E PT. 30 , 200 8Construc t i on ,A r my’ ’, a n d und e rt h e headin g‘ ‘ F ami l y H ousing Construction, Army’’ in the ta b le entitled ‘‘ M ilitary Construction’’, inthee xp lanatory statement described in section 4( in the matter preceding di v ision A o f this consolidated Act ). F AMILY H OUS I NGOPER A T ION AN D MAINTENAN C E, ARMY For expenses of family housing for the Army for operation and maintenance, including debt payment, leasing, minor construc - tion, principal and interest charges, and insurance premiums, as authori z edbyla w , $716 ,11 0 ,000. FAMILY HOUSING CONSTRUCTION, N A V Y AND MARINE CORPS For expenses of family housing for the Navy and Marine Corps for construction, including ac q uisition, replacement, addition, expansion, extension, and alteration, as authorized by law, $ 38 0,1 2 3,000, to remain available until S eptember 30, 2013


d ,T hat the amount appropriated in this paragraph shall be for the pro j ects and activities, and in the amounts, specified under the heading ‘‘Family Housing Construction, Navy and Marine Corps’’, and under the heading ‘‘Family Housing Construction, Navy and Marine Corps’’ in the table entitled ‘‘Military Construction’’, in the explanatory statement described in section 4 (in the matter preceding division A of this consolidated Act). FAMILY HOUSING OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, NAVY AND MARINE CORPS For expenses of family housing for the Navy and Marine Corps for operation and maintenance, including debt payment, leasing, minor construction, principal and interest charges, and insurance premiums, as authorized by law, $376,062,000. FAMILY HOUSING CONSTRUCTION, AIR FORCE For expenses of family housing for the Air Force for construc- tion, including acquisition, replacement, addition, expansion, exten- sion, and alteration, as authorized by law, $3 95 ,879,000, to remain available until September 30, 2013: Provided, That the amount appropriated in this paragraph shall be for the projects and activi- ties, and in the amounts, specified under the heading ‘‘Family Housing Construction, Air Force’’, and under the heading ‘‘Family Housing Construction, Air Force’’ in the table entitled ‘‘Military Construction’’, in the explanatory statement described in section 4 (in the matter preceding division A of this consolidated Act). FAMILY HOUSING OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, AIR FORCE For expenses of family housing for the Air Force for operation and maintenance, including debt payment, leasing, minor construc- tion, principal and interest charges, and insurance premiums, as authorized by law, $594,465,000. FAMILY HOUSING OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, D E F ENSE- W IDE For expenses of family housing for the activities and agencies of the Department of Defense (other than the military departments)