Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/38

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12 2 STA T . 1 5PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 Sec.1 11 5 . R e tir e m e n t s er v ice cre d it fo r service a s cadet or mids h i p manatami l i - tar y service academy. Sec. 111 6 . Au thori z ation for increased compensation for faculty and staff of the U niformed Services University of the H ealth Sciences. Sec. 111 7 . Report on esta b lishment of a scholarship pro g ram for civilian mental health professionals. TI T LEX II —M ATTERS RELATI NG T OF OREIGN NATIONS Subtitle A—Assistance and Training Sec. 1 20 1. Military-to-military contacts and comparable activities. Sec. 1202. Authority for support of military operations to combat terrorism. Sec. 120 3 . Medical care and temporary duty travel e x penses for liaison officers of certain foreign nations. Sec. 120 4 . Extension and expansion of D epartment of Defense authority to partici- pate in multinational military centers of excellence. Sec. 1205. Reauthorization of C ommanders ’ Emergency Response P rogram. Sec. 1206. Authority to build the capacity of the Pa k istan Frontier Corps. Sec. 1207. Authority to e q uip and train foreign personnel to assist in accounting for missing United States Government personnel. Sec. 120 8 . Authority to provide automatic identification system data on maritime shipping to foreign countries and international organizations. Sec. 120 9 . Report on foreign-assistance related programs carried out by the Depart- ment of Defense. Sec. 1210. Extension and enhancement of authority for security and stabilization assistance. Sec. 1211. Government Accountability Office report on Global Peace Operations Ini- tiative. Sec. 1212. Repeal of limitations on military assistance under the American Servicemembers’ Protection Act of 2002. Subtitle B —Matters Relating to Iraq and Afghanistan Sec. 1221. Modification of authorities relating to the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. Sec. 1222. Limitation on availability of funds for certain purposes relating to Iraq. Sec. 1223. Report on United States policy and military operations in Iraq. Sec. 1224. Report on a comprehensive set of performance indicators and measures for progress to w ard military and political stability in Iraq. Sec. 1225. Report on support from Iran for attacks against coalition forces in Iraq. Sec. 1226. Sense of Congress on the consequences of a failed state in Iraq. Sec. 1227. Sense of Congress on federalism in Iraq. Sec. 1228. Tracking and monitoring of defense articles provided to the Government of Iraq and other individuals and groups in Iraq. Sec. 1229. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. Sec. 1230. Report on progress toward security and stability in Afghanistan. Sec. 1231. United States plan for sustaining the Afghanistan National Security Forces. Sec. 1232. Report on enhancing security and stability in the region along the bor- der of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Sec. 1233. Reimbursement of certain coalition nations for support provided to United States military operations. Sec. 1234. Logistical support for coalition forces supporting operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Subtitle C—Iraq Refugee Crisis Sec. 1241. Short title. Sec. 1242. Processing mechanisms. Sec. 1243. United States refugee program processing priorities. Sec. 1244. Special immigrant status for certain Iraqis. Sec. 1245. Senior Coordinator for Iraqi Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons. Sec. 1246. Countries with significant populations of Iraqi refugees. Sec. 1247. Motion to reopen denial or termination of asylum. Sec. 1248. Reports. Sec. 1249. Authorization of appropriations. Subtitle D—Other Authorities and Limitations Sec. 1251. Cooperative opportunities documents under cooperative research and de- velopment agreements with NATO organizations and other allied and friendly foreign countries. Sec. 1252. Extension and expansion of temporary authority to use acquisition and cross-servicing agreements to lend military equipment for personnel pro- tection and survivability.