Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3823

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12 2 STA T .380 0 PUBLIC LA W 110 – 3 4 3 —O CT. 3 , 2008 Act(12U.S . C .1 8 21( a) (1)( F )) forpu rpo se soft h atActortheFe d era l Cred i tU n ion Act. TI T LE II —BUDG ET -R EL A TED P R OV I S IO N S SEC.201 . INFORMAT ION FOR CON G RESSIONA L S UP PORT AGENCIES. Upon re q uest , andtothee x tent other w ise consistent with law, all infor m ation used by the Secretary in connection with acti v i - ties authori z ed under this Act (includin g the records to which the Comptroller G eneral is entitled under this Act) shall be made available to congressional support agencies (in accordance with their obligations to support the Congress as set out in their author- izing statutes) for the purposes of assisting the committees of Con- gress with conducting oversight, monitoring, and analysis of the activities authorized under this Act. SEC. 202. REPORTS BY T H E OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AN D BUDGET AND THE CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE. (a) REPORTSBY T H E OF F IC EOF MAN A G E M ENT AN DBU DGET. —W ithin 60 days of the first exercise of the authority granted in section 101(a), but in no case later than D ecember 3 1, 2008, and semiannually thereafter, the Office of Management and Budget shall report to the P resident and the Congress— (1) the estimate, notwithstanding section 5 02(5)(F) of the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1 9 90 (2 U.S.C. 661a(5)(F)), as of the first business day that is at least 30 days prior to the issuance of the report, of the cost of the troubled assets, and guarantees of the troubled assets, determined in accordance with section 123

(2) the information used to derive the estimate, including assets purchased or guaranteed, prices paid, revenues received, the impact on the deficit and debt, and a description of any outstanding commitments to purchase troubled assets; and (3) a detailed analysis of how the estimate has changed from the previous report. Beginning with the second report under subsection (a), the Office of Management and Budget shall explain the differences between the Congressional Budget Office estimates delivered in accordance with subsection (b) and prior Office of Management and Budget estimates. (b) REPORTS BY THE CONGRESSIONA L BUDGET OFFICE.—Within 4 5 days of receipt by the Congress of each report from the Office of Management and Budget under subsection (a), the Congressional Budget Office shall report to the Congress the Congressional Budget Office ’ s assessment of the report submitted by the Office of Manage- ment and Budget, including— (1) the cost of the troubled assets and guarantees of the troubled assets, (2) the information and valuation methods used to calculate such cost, and (3) the impact on the deficit and the debt. (c) FINANCIAL EX PERTISE.— I n carrying out the duties in this subsection or performing analyses of activities under this Act, the Director of the Congressional Budget Office may employ personnel and procure the services of experts and consultants. 12USC5 252 . 12 USC 5251.