Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3934

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12 2 STA T .39 11 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 3 4 3 —O CT. 3 , 200 8bepaid’ ’a n din s e rt in g t h e fol lo w ing

‘an a m o u nte q ual to the annual a v erage of 25 per c ent of all amounts received for the applicable fiscal y ear and each of the preceding 6 fiscal years from each national forest shall be paid’’ .( 2 )WE E KSLAW . —S ection 13 of the A ct of M arch 1 , 1 9 11 (commonly k nown as the ‘‘Weeks L aw’’) (16 U .S. C . 5 0 0) is amended in the first sentence by striking ‘‘twenty - five percentum’’ and all that follows through ‘‘shall be paid’’ and inserting the following: ‘‘an amount equal to the annual average of 25 percent of all amounts received for the applicable fiscal year and each of the preceding 6 fiscal years from each national forest shall be paid’’. (c) P A YM E NT S I N LIE UOFT A X ES.— (1) I N G ENE R AL.—Section 6906 of title 31, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: ‘ ‘ §690 6 .Fundi n g ‘‘ F or each of fiscal years 200 8 through 2012— ‘‘(1) each county or other eligible unit of local government shall be entitled to payment under this chapter

and ‘‘(2) sums shall be made available to the Secretary of the Interior for obligation or e x penditure in accordance with this chapter.’’. (2) CONFORMING AMEN D MENT.—The table of sections for chapter 69 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by striking the item relating to section 6906 and inserting the following: ‘ ‘ 690 6 .Fundi n g . ’ ’. (3) B UDGET S C OREKEE P ING.— (A) IN GENERAL.— N otwithstanding the Budget Scorekeeping G uidelines and the accompanying list of pro- grams and accounts set forth in the j oint explanatory state- ment of the committee of conference accompanying Con- ference R eport 105 – 21 7 , the section in this title regarding Payments in Lieu of Taxes shall be treated in the baseline for purposes of section 257 of the Balanced Budget and E mergency D eficit Control Act of 1985 (as in effect prior to September 30, 2002), and by the Chairmen of the H ouse and Senate Budget Committees, as appropriate, for pur- poses of budget enforcement in the House and Senate, and under the Congressional Budget Act of 197 4 as if Payment in Lieu of Taxes (14–1114–0–1–806) were an account designated as Appropriated Entitlements and Mandatories for Fiscal Y ear 1997 in the joint explanatory statement of the committee of conference accompanying Conference Report 105–217. (B) EFFECTI V E DATE.—This paragraph shall remain in effect for the fiscal years to which the entitlement in section 6906 of title 31, United States Code (as amended by para- graph (1)), applies. SEC.602 . TRAN S F ERT O A B AN D ONED MI NE REC L AMATION F U ND. Subparagraph (C) of section 402(i)(1) of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (30 U.S.C. 1232(i)(1)) is amended by striking ‘‘and $ 9,000,000 on O ctober 1, 2009’’ and