Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3938

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12 2 STA T .39 1 5PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 3 4 3 —O CT. 3 , 200 8(B)bysu bs ti tuti ng‘ ‘ Ja nua r y 1,20 11 ’ ’ fo r ‘‘January 1, 200 8 ’’ in p aragrap h (1), ( C ) by substituting ‘‘ Dec e m ber 3 1, 2010’’ for ‘‘December 31, 200 7 ’’ in paragraph (1), an d (D) by treating a site as a q ua l ified contaminated site only if the release (or threat of release) or disposal of aha z ardous substance at the site w as attributable to the se v ere storms, tornados, or flooding giving rise to any P resi - dential declaration described in subsection (b)(1)( A ) . ( 5 ) INCREAS E I NRE H A B I L I T ATI O N CRE D IT. —S ection 1 4 00 N (h), as amended by this Act— (A) by substituting ‘‘the applicable disaster date’’ for ‘‘August 28, 2005’’, (B) by substituting ‘‘December 31, 2011’’ for ‘‘December 31, 200 9 ’’ in paragraph (1), and (C) by only applying such subsection to qualified rehabilitation e x penditures with respect to any building or structure which was damaged or destroyed as a result of the severe storms, tornados, or flooding giving rise to any Presidential declaration described in subsection (b)(1)(A). ( 6 ) T REAT M ENT O F NET O P ERATIN G LOSSES ATTRIB U TABLE TO DISASTER LOSSES.—Section 1400N( k )— (A) by substituting ‘‘qualified Disaster R ecovery Assist- ance loss’’ for ‘‘qualified G ulf O pportunity Z one loss’’ each place it appears, (B) by substituting ‘‘after the day before the applicable disaster date, and before January 1, 2011’’ for ‘‘after August 27, 2005, and before January 1, 2008’’ each place it appears, (C) by substituting ‘‘the applicable disaster date’’ for ‘‘August 28, 2005’’ in paragraph (2)(B)(ii)(I), (D) by substituting ‘‘qualified Disaster Recovery Assist- ance property’’ for ‘‘qualified Gulf Opportunity Zone prop- erty’’ in paragraph (2)(B)(iv), and ( E ) by substituting ‘‘qualified Disaster Recovery Assist- ance casualty loss’’ for ‘‘qualified Gulf Opportunity Zone casualty loss’’ each place it appears. (7) CREDIT TO HOLDERS OF TA X CREDIT BONDS.—Section 1400N(l)— (A) by substituting ‘‘ M idwestern tax credit bond’’ for ‘‘Gulf tax credit bond’’ each place it appears, (B) by substituting ‘‘any State in which a Midwestern disaster area is located or any instrumentality of the State’’ for ‘‘the State of Alabama, L ouisiana, or Mississippi’’ in paragraph (4)(A)(i), (C) by substituting ‘‘after December 31, 2008 and before January 1, 2010’’ for ‘‘after December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2007’’, (D) by substituting ‘‘shall not exceed $ 100,000,000 for any State with an aggregate population located in all Mid- western disaster areas within the State of at least 2,000,000, $50,000,000 for any State with an aggregate population located in all Midwestern disaster areas within the State of at least 1,000,000 but less than 2,000,000, and zero for any other State. The population of a State within any area shall be determined on the basis of the most recent census estimate of resident population released