Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/411

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12 2 STA T .38 8 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 181 —J A N .28 , 2008 departm e n t s and a g en ci es of t h e G o v ernment of the U nited S tates ( other than the D epartment of Defense ), the NATOI SA F , and the governments of other co u ntries . ( C )Thep l an and efforts to coordinate the counter - narcotics strateg y and activities of the Department of Defense w ith the counter-narcotics strategy and activities of the Government of Afghanistan, the NATO-led interdic- tion and security forces, other appropriate countries, and other counter-narcotics partners of the United States, and the results of such efforts. (D) The progress made b y the governments, organi z a- tions, and entities specified in subparagraph ( B )ine x e- cuting designated roles and missions, and in coordinating and implementing counternarcotics plans and activities, and based on the results of this progress whether, and to what extent, roles and missions for the Department of Defense should be altered in the future, or should remain unaltered. ( 5 ) PUBLIC C OR RU PT IO NA N D RUL E O F LA W . — A description of any actions, and the results of such actions, to help the Government of Afghanistan fight public corruption and strengthen governance and the rule of law at the local, provin- cial, and national levels. ( 6 ) R E G IONAL CON S IDERATIONS.—A description of any actions and the results of such actions to increase cooperation with countries geographically located around Afghanistan ’ s border, with a particular focus on improving security and sta- bility in the Afghanistan-Pa k istan border areas. (d) M ATTERS TO BE INCLUDED

PERFOR M ANCE INDICATORS AND MEASURES OF PROGRESS TOWARD SUSTAINABLE L ONG-TERM SECU- RIT Y AND STABILITY IN AFG H ANISTAN.— ( 1 ) IN GENERAL.—The report re q uired under subsection (a) shall set forth a comprehensive set of performance indicators and measures of progress toward sustainable long-term security and stability in Afghanistan, as specified in paragraph ( 2 ), and shall include performance standards and progress goals, together with a notional timetable for achieving such goals. (2) PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND MEASURES OF PROGRESS SPECIFIED.—The performance indicators and measures of progress specified in this paragraph shall include, at a min- imum, the following: (A) W ith respect to the NATO ISAF, an assessment of unfulfilled NATO ISAF mission requirements and con- tributions from individual NATO ISAF countries, including levels of troops and equipment, the effect of contributions on operations, and unfulfilled commitments. (B) An assessment of military operations of the NATO ISAF, including of NATO ISAF countries, and an assess- ment of separate military operations by United States forces. Such assessments shall include— (i) indicators of a stable security environment in Afghanistan, such as number of engagements per day, and trends relating to the numbers and types of hostile encounters

and (ii) the effects of national caveats that limit oper- ations, geographic location of operations, and estimated number of civilian casualties.