Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4120

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12 2 STA T .4097PUBLIC LA W 110 –385—O CT. 10 , 2008 shal l compi l e a lis t o fg eog r aphical areas that are n ot ser v e dby any provider of advanced telecomm u nications capability ( as defined by section 706 (c ) ( 1 ) of the T elecommunications A ctof1 9 96( 4 7 U.S . C . 1 5 7 note)) and to the e x tent that data from the Census B ureau is available , determine, for each such unserved area —‘ ‘(1) the population

‘‘( 2 ) the population density; and ‘‘( 3 ) the average per capita income. ’ ’. (b) INTER N A T IO NA L CO MP ARI S ON.— (1) IN G ENERAL.—As part of the assessment and report re q uired by section 706 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (47 U.S.C. 157 note), the F ederal Communications Commission shall include information comparing the extent of broadband service capability (including data transmission speeds and price for broadband service capability) in a total of 75 communities in at least 25 countries abroad for each of the data rate bench - mar k s for broadband service utili z ed by the Commission to reflect different speed tiers. (2) CONTENTS.—The Commission shall choose communities for the comparison under this subsection in a manner that w ill offer, to the extent possible, communities of a population size, population density, topography, and demographic profile that are comparable to the population size, population density, topography, and demographic profile of various communities within the United States. The Commission shall include in the comparison under this subsection— (A) a geographically diverse selection of countries; and (B) communities including the capital cities of such countries. (3) SIMILARITIES AN D DI F FEREN C ES.—The Commission shall identify relevant similarities and differences in each commu- nity, including their market structures, the number of competi- tors, the number of facilities-based providers, the types of tech- nologies deployed by such providers, the applications and serv- ices those technologies enable, the regulatory model under which broadband service capability is provided, the types of applications and services used, business and residential use of such services, and other media available to consumers. (c) CONS U MER SUR V E Y OF BROAD B AND SERVICE CAPABILITY.— (1) IN GENERAL.—For the purpose of evaluating, on a statis- tically significant basis, the national characteristics of the use of broadband service capability, the Commission shall conduct and make public periodic surveys of consumers in urban, subur- ban, and rural areas in the large business, small business, and residential consumer markets to determine— (A) the types of technology used to provide the broadband service capability to which consumers subscribe; (B) the amounts consumers pay per month for such capability; (C) the actual data transmission speeds of such capa- bility; ( D ) the types of applications and services consumers most frequently use in con j unction with such capability; ( E ) for consumers who have declined to subscribe to broadband service capability, the reasons given by such consumers for declining such capability; Public i nformat ion .