Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4143

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12 2 STA T .4 12 0PUBLIC LA W 110 –387—O CT. 10 , 2008 SEC.20 2.E XT E N S IO NO FAU T H O R I Z ATION FOR S P ECIA L CO M MITTEE ON POST - TRAUMATIC STRESS D ISORDER. Section1 1 0( e ) ( 2 )o f t h e V ete ra n s’H ea l th C are A ctof1 984 ( 3 8 U. S.C. 1 7 12A note


lic L a w 98 –5 28)isa m en d edb y stri k in g‘ ‘through 2008’’ and inserting ‘‘through 2012’’. TI T LE III —AS SISTA NC E FOR FA M ILIES OF V ETERANS SEC. 3 0 1 . CLARIFICATION OF AUTHORIT Y OF SECRETARY OF V ET- ERANS AFFAIRS TO PROVIDE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES TO FAMILIES OF VETERANS. (a) INGE NE RAL . — Cha p ter 17 is amended— (1) in section 1701(5)( B )— (A) by inserting ‘‘marriage and family counseling , ’’ after ‘‘professional counseling,’’; and (B) by striking ‘‘as may be essential to’’ and inserting ‘‘as the Secretary considers appropriate for’’; and (2) in section 1782— (A) in subsection (a), by inserting ‘‘marriage and family counseling,’’ after ‘‘professional counseling,’’; and (B) in subsection (b)— (i) by inserting ‘‘marriage and family counseling,’’ after ‘‘professional counseling,’’; and (ii) by striking ‘‘if—’’ and all that follows and inserting a period. (b) L OC A TI ON.—Paragraph (5) of section 1701 of title 38, United States Code, shall not be construed to pre v ent the Secretary of Veterans Affairs from providing services described in subparagraph (B) of such paragraph to individuals described in such subparagraph in centers under section 1712A of such title (commonly referred to as ‘‘Vet Centers’’), D epartment of Veterans Affairs medical cen - ters, community-based outpatient clinics, or in such other facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs as the Secretary considers necessary. SEC. 302. PILOT PRO G RAM ON PROVISION OF READ J USTMENT AND TRANSITION ASSISTANCE TO VETERANS AND THEIR FAMI- LIES IN COOPERATION W ITH VET CENTERS. (a) PILOT PRO G RA M .— T he Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall carry out, through a non-Department of Veterans Affairs entity, a pilot program to assess the feasability and advisability of pro- viding read j ustment and transition assistance described in sub- section (b) to veterans and their families in cooperation with centers under section 1712A of title 38, United States Code (commonly referred to as ‘‘Vet Centers’’). (b) R EA DJUS TMENT AND TRANSITION ASSISTANCE.—Readjust- ment and transition assistance described in this subsection is assist- ance as follows

(1) Readjustment and transition assistance that is preemp- tive, proactive, and principle-centered. (2) Assistance and training for veterans and their families in coping with the challenges associated with making the transi- tion from military to civilian life. (c) N ON-DE P ARTMENT O F VETERANS AFFAIRS E NTIT Y .— 38USC17 1 2Anote. 38 USC 17 0 1 note. 38 USC 1701.