Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4150

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12 2 STA T .4 12 7PUBLIC LA W 11 0–38 7 —O CT. 10 , 2008 forthed e signa tion of e p i l eps yc enters of e x cellence u nder this section .‘ ‘ (2) ( A ) T he m em b ership of the peer re v ie w panel shall consist of experts on epilepsy , including post - traumatic epilepsy. ‘‘( B ) M embers of the peer review panel shall serve for a period of no longer than two years, except as specified in subparagraph ( C ). ‘‘(C) O f the members first appointed to the panel, one half shall be appointed for a period of three years and one half shall be appointed for a period of two years, as designated by the U nder S ecretary at the time of appointment. ‘‘( 3 ) The peer review panel shall review each proposal submitted to the panel by the Under Secretary for H ealth and shall submit its views on the relative scientific and clinical merit of each such proposal to the Under Secretary. ‘‘( 4 ) The peer review panel shall, in con j unction with the national coordinator designated under subsection (e), conduct reg- ular evaluations of each epilepsy center of excellence established and operated under subsection (a) to ensure compliance with the re q uirements of this section. ‘‘( 5 ) The peer review panel shall not be subject to the F ederal Advisory Committee Act. ‘‘(d) EPILE P SY CE NT E ROF E XC ELLENCE D EFINE D . —I n this sec- tion, the term ‘epilepsy center of excellence ’ means a health care facility that has (or in the foreseeable future can develop) the necessary capacity to function as a center of excellence in research, education, and clinical care activities in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy and has (or may reasonably be anticipated to develop) each of the following

‘‘( 1 ) An affiliation with an accredited medical school that provides education and training in neurology, including an arrangement with such school under which medical residents receive education and training in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy (including neurosurgery). ‘‘(2) The ability to attract the participation of scientists who are capable of ingenuity and creativity in health care research efforts. ‘‘(3) An advisory committee composed of veterans and appropriate health care and research representatives of the facility and of the affiliated school or schools to advise the directors of such facility and such center on policy matters pertaining to the activities of the center during the period of the operation of such center. ‘‘(4) The capability to conduct effectively evaluations of the activities of such center. ‘‘(5) The capability to assist in the expansion of the Depart- ment’s use of information systems and databases to improve the quality and delivery of care for veterans enrolled within the Department’s health care system. ‘‘( 6 ) The capability to assist in the expansion of the Depart- ment telehealth program to develop, transmit, monitor, and review neurological diagnostic tests. ‘‘( 7 ) The ability to perform epilepsy research, education, and clinical care activities in collaboration with Department medical facilities that have centers for research, education, and clinical care activities on complex multi-trauma associated