Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4170

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12 2 STA T .4 14 7PUBLIC LA W 11 0–389—O CT. 10 , 2008 Sec.603 . R ec al l ofr e ti re dju d g e s oft h e Un ited States C ourt of Ap peals for V et - erans Clai m s. Sec. 60 4 . Annual reports on w or k load of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. Sec. 60 5 . Additional discretion in imposition of practice and registration fees. TI T LE VII — ASSISTA N CET O UNITE D STATES P ARAL YM PIC INTE G RATED ADAPTIVE SPORTS PROGRAM Sec. 7 0 1 . F indings and purpose. Sec. 70 2 . Department of Veterans Affairs pro v ision of assistance to United States Paral y mpics , Inc. Sec. 703. Department of Veterans Affairs Office of National Veterans Sports Pro- grams and Special Events. Sec. 704. Comptroller General report. TITLE VIII—OT H ER MATTERS Sec. 8 01. Authority for suspension or termination of claims of the United States against individuals who died while serving on active duty in the Armed Forces. Sec. 802. Three-year e x tension of authority to carry out income verification. Sec. 803. Maintenance, management, and availa b ility for research of assets of Air Force Health Study. Sec. 804. National Academies study on risk of developing multiple sclerosis as a re- sult of certain service in the Persian Gulf W ar and Post 9/ 11 Global Op- erations theaters. Sec. 805. Termination or suspension of contracts for cellular telephone service for certain servicemembers. Sec. 806. Contracting goals and preferences for veteran-owned small business con- cerns. Sec. 807. Penalties for violation of interest rate limitation under Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. Sec. 808. Five-year extension of sunset provision for Advisory Committee on Minor- ity Veterans. Sec. 809. Authority of Secretary of Veterans Affairs to advertise to promote aware- ness of benefits under laws administered by the Secretary. Sec. 810. Memorial headstones and markers for deceased remarried surviving spouses of veterans. SEC.2 . R E F ERE N CE TO T I T L E 38,U NITE D ST A TES CODE. Exceptaso t h e rwi se express ly pro v i d ed , whe n ever in this A ct ana m endment or repeal is expressed in terms o f an amendment to, or repeal of, a section or other provision, the reference shall b e considered to be made to a section or other provision of title 38 , U nited S tates C ode .TI T LE I —COMP E NSA TION AN D PENSION MATTE R S SEC. 10 1. RE G ULATIONS ON CONTENTS OF NOTICE TO B E P RO V IDED CLAI M ANTS B Y T H E DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS REGARDING THE SUBSTANTIATION OF CLAIMS. ( a )INGE NE RAL . — Section 510 3(a) is amended— (1) by insertin g‘ ‘(1) ’ ’ before ‘‘Upon receipt’’

and ( 2 ) by adding at the end the following new paragraph

‘‘(2)(A) T he Secretary shall prescribe in reg u lations re q uire - ments relating to the contents of notice to be provided under this subsection. ‘‘( B ) The regulations required by this paragraph— ‘‘(i) shall specify different contents for notice based on whether the claim concerned is an original claim, a claim for reopening a prior decision on a claim, or a claim for an increase in benefits; 38USC510 3 .