Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4199

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12 2 STA T .4 1 76PUBLIC LA W 11 0–389—O CT. 10 , 2008 (2)Anas s e ss m en tof t h e effe c tsofan yl a g o rd elay i n the ad ju dication b y the S ecretary of claims of v eterans for disability com p ensation on the capacity of veterans to maintain ade q uate or suitable housing . ( 3 ) A description of the e x tent to w hich the provisions of the Servicemembers C ivil R elief Act ( 50U .S.C. App. 50 1 et seq.) protect veterans from mortgage foreclosure , and an assessment of the adequacy of such protections. ( 4 ) A description and assessment of the adequacy of the home loan guaranty programs of the D epartment of V eterans Affairs, including the authorities of such programs and the assistance provided individuals in the utili z ation of such pro - grams, in preventing foreclosure for veterans recently separated from the Armed F orces, and for members of the Armed Forces, who have home loans guaranteed by the Secretary. SEC.503 . R E QUI RE M E NTFO RRE G U LA RU PD ATES TO H AND B OO K FOR DESIGN FURNISHED TO V ETERANS ELIGIBLE FOR SPE - CIALL Y ADAPTED HOUSING ASSISTANCE BY SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. Section 2103 is amended — (1) by stri k ing ‘ ‘ T he Secretary ’ ’ and inserting ‘‘(a) PLANS AN D S PECIF ICA T I O NS.—The Secretary’’

and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection

‘‘(b) H AND B OO K FO R DESI G N.—The Secretary shall make avail- able to veterans eligible for assistance under this chapter, without cost to the veterans, a handbook containing appropriate designs for specially adapted housing. The Secretary shall update such handbook at least once every six years to take into account any new or unique disabilities, including vision impairments, impair- ments specific to the upper limbs, and burn injuries.’’. SEC. 50 4 . ENHANCEMENT OF REFINANCING OF HOME LOANS BY VET- ERANS. (a) I NCL U SION OF REFINANCING L OANS A M ONG LOANS SUB J ECT TO G UARANT YM A X IMUM.—Section 3 7 03(a)(1)(A)(i)(IV) is amended by inserting ‘‘(5),’’ after ‘‘(3),’’. (b) INCREASE IN MAXIMUM PERCENTAGE OF LOAN-TO-VALUE OF REFINANCING LOANS SUBJECT TO GUARANTY.—Section 3710(b)( 8 ) is amended by striking ‘‘ 9 0 percent’’ and inserting ‘‘100 percent’’. SEC. 505. E X TENSION OF CERTAIN VETERANS HOME LOAN GUARANTY PROGRAMS. (a) E XTENSION OF DEMONSTRATION PROJECT ON ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGES.—Section 3707(a) of title 38, United States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘2008’’ and inserting ‘‘2012’’. (b) EXTENSION OF DEMONSTRATION PROJECT ON HYBRID ADJUST- ABLE RATE MORTGAGES.—Section 3707A(a) of such title is amended by striking ‘‘2008’’ and inserting ‘‘2012’’. TI T LEV I —COUR T MA TTER S SEC. 6 0 1 . TEMPORARY INCREASE IN NUMBER OF AUTHORI Z ED J UDGES OF THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR VET- ERANS CLAIMS. Section 7253 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: Deadlin e .38USC210 3.