Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4227

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12 2 STA T .4 2 0 4 PUBLIC LA W 110 –39 3 —O CT. 13 , 200 8LEGIS L AT I V E H IST ORY— H . R. 53 5 0: HO U SE RE P ORTS: No . 1 10 –82 2 , P t .1 (C o m m.o n N a t ur a l R es our c es ) . CONGRESSIONAL RECOR D , Vol. 15 4 (2008): Se p t.15,1 7 , cons id ered and passed House. Sept. 2 6 , considered and passed Senate, amended. Sept. 2 9 , House concurred in Senate amendment. convey e du nde rs u b sec ti on (a) conducted in con f or m ance w it h the U niform Ap praisa lS tandards for P rofessional Appraisal Practice . (c) U SEOF P R O C EE D S. — Amounts received under subsection (b)( 2 )(A) by the United States as proceeds of any conveyance under this section shall be available to the Secretary , sub j ect to appropria - tion, for— ( 1 ) activities related to the operations of, or capital improve- ments, to NO AA property

or (2) relocation and other costs associated with the sale or e x chan g e. (d) ADD IT IO NALT ER M S AND C ONDITIONS.—The Secretary may re q uire such additional terms and conditions in connection with the conveyance of property by the United States under subsection (a) as the Secretary considers appropriate to protect the interest of the United States, including the recoupment of any profit the City of Norfol k may reali z e within three years after the date of conveyance to the City due to resale of the property (e) TERMINATION.—The authority granted to the Secretary under subsections (a) and (b) shall terminate at the end of the 2 4 -month period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act if no contract for sale or exchange under subsection (a) has been entered into by the City of Norfolk and the United States. Notwith- standing any other provision of law, the Secretary of Commerce, through the Under Secretary and Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is authorized to enter into a land lease with M obile County, Alabama for a period of not less than 4 0 years, on such terms and conditions as NOAA deems appropriate, for purposes of construction of a G ulf of Mexico D isaster R esponse Center facility, provided that the lease is at no cost to the government. NOAA may enter into agreements with state, local, or county governments for purposes of joint use, operations and occupancy of such facility. Approved October 1 3 , 200 8 . Realpro per ty.A la b a m a.