Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4253

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12 2 STA T .4 2 30PUBLIC LA W 110 – 401 —O CT. 13 , 200 8(1)CHILDEXP L O I TA TIO N.—Thet e rm‘ ‘ c h ild e xp l o it a tio n’ ’ mean s an y cond u ct , attempted conduct, or conspiracy to en g age in conduct in v olving a minor that violates section 1 59 1, chapter 1 0 9 A , chapter 110, and chapter 11 7 o f title 1 8 , U nited S tates Code, or any sexual activity involving a minor for w hich any person can b e charged with a criminal offense. ( 2 ) CHILD O BSC ENIT Y .—The term ‘‘child obscenity’’ means any visual depiction proscribed by section 1 46 6A of title 18, United States Code. ( 3 ) M INO R .—The term ‘‘minor’’ means any person under the age of 18 years. (4) SEX U ALLY EXPLICIT CONDUCT.—The term ‘‘sexually explicit conduct’’ has the meaning given such term in section 2256 of title 18, United States Code. TI T LE I —NA TI O NAL S T R ATE GYF OR CH IL D E XP LOITATION PRE V ENTION AND INTERDICTION SEC.10 1. ES TABLI S HM E N T OF NATIONAL ST R ATE GY FOR CHIL D E XP LOITATION PRE V ENTION AND INTERDICTION. (a) I N G ENERAL.—The Attorney General of the United States shall create and implement a N ational Strategy for Child E xploi - tation P revention and Interdiction. (b) TI M IN G .—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act and on F ebruary 1 of every second year thereafter, the Attorney General shall submit to Congress the National Strategy established under subsection (a). (c) R E Q UIRED CONTENTS O F NATIONAL STRATEGY.—The National Strategy established under subsection (a) shall include the fol- lowing

(1) Comprehensive long-range, goals for reducing child exploitation. (2) Annual measurable ob j ectives and specific targets to accomplish long-term, q uantifiable goals that the Attorney Gen- eral determines may be achieved during each year beginning on the date when the National Strategy is submitted. (3) Annual budget priorities and Federal efforts dedicated to combating child exploitation, including resources dedicated to Internet Crimes Against Children tas k forces, Project Safe Childhood, F B I Innocent Images Initiative, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, regional forensic computer labs, Internet Safety programs, and all other entities whose goal or mission is to combat the exploitation of children that receive Federal support. (4) A 5-year projection for program and budget goals and priorities. (5) A review of the policies and work of the D epartment of J ustice related to the prevention and investigation of child exploitation crimes, including efforts at the O ffice of Justice Programs, the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, the Executive Office of United States Attorneys, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Office of the Attorney General, the Office of the Deputy Attorney General, the Office of L egal Deadlin e s.42USC176 11.