Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4292

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12 2 STA T .4 2 69PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 40 3—O CT. 13 , 200 8TradeR e p re s e nt at iv e u nder se c ti o n 182( a ) o f t h e Trade A ct of1 974 (19 U.S . C . 2242(a))

and (4) deve l op m etrics to measure the effectiveness of the F ederal G overnment ’ s efforts to improve the la w s and enforce - ment practices of forei g n governments against counterfeiting and infringement. (g) DIS S EM I NAT I O NO F T H E J OINT ST R ATE G I CPL AN. — The j oint strategic plan shall b e posted for public access on the website of the W hite H ouse , and shall be disseminated to the public through such other means as the I P E Cma y identify. SEC.304 . R E PO R TING . (a) ANN U AL RE P ORT.— N ot later than December 3 1 of each calendar year beginning in 2 0 09, the IPEC shall submit a report on the activities of the advisory committee during the preceding fiscal year. The annual report shall be submitted to Congress, and disseminated to the people of the United States, in the manner specified in subsections (b) and (g) of section 303. (b) CONTENTS.—The report re q uired by this section shall include the following

(1) The progress made on implementing the strategic plan and on the progress toward fulfillment of the priorities identi- fied under section 303(e)(1). (2) The progress made in efforts to encourage Federal, State, and local government departments and agencies to accord higher priority to intellectual property enforcement. (3) The progress made in wor k ing with foreign countries to investigate, arrest, and prosecute entities and individuals involved in the financing, production, trafficking, and sale of counterfeit and infringing goods. (4) The manner in which the relevant departments and agencies are working together and sharing information to strengthen intellectual property enforcement. ( 5 ) An assessment of the successes and shortcomings of the efforts of the Federal Government, including departments and agencies represented on the committee established under section 301(b)(3). ( 6 ) Recommendations, if any and as appropriate, for any changes in enforcement statutes, regulations, or funding levels that the advisory committee considers would significantly improve the effectiveness or efficiency of the effort of the Fed- eral Government to combat counterfeiting and infringement and otherwise strengthen intellectual property enforcement, including through the elimination or consolidation of duplicative programs or initiatives. (7) The progress made in strengthening the capacity of countries to protect and enforce intellectual property rights. (8) The successes and challenges in sharing with other countries information relating to intellectual property enforce- ment. (9) The progress made under trade agreements and treaties to protect intellectual property rights of United States persons and their licensees. (10) The progress made in minimi z ing duplicative efforts, materials, facilities, and procedures of the Federal agencies and Departments responsible for the enforcement, investiga- tion, or prosecution of intellectual property crimes. Public i nformat ion .15USC8 11 4 . We b s ite. Public information.