Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4298

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12 2 STA T .4 2 75PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 40 3—O CT. 13 , 200 8(7)Asum m aryofthe efforts , a c t iv ities, a nd resources the D e p artment of J ustice has a l located to the enforcement, inves - ti g ation, and prosecution of intellectual property crimes, including — (A) a revie w of the policies and efforts of the Depart- ment of Justice related to the prevention and investigation of intellectual property crimes, including efforts at the O ffice of Justice P rograms, the C riminal Division of the Department of Justice, the Ex ecutive Office of U nited S tates Attorneys, the Office of the Attorney G eneral, the Office of the Deputy Attorney General, the Office of L egal Policy, and any other agency or b ureau of the Department of Justice whose activities relate to intellectual property

( B ) a summary of the overall successes and failures of such policies and efforts; (C) a review of the investigative and prosecution activity of the Department of Justice with respect to intellectual property crimes, including— (i) the number of investigations initiated related to such crimes; (ii) the number of arrests related to such crimes; and (iii) the number of prosecutions for such crimes, including— ( I ) the number of defendants involved in such prosecutions; (II) whether the prosecution resulted in a conviction; and (III) the sentence and the statutory maximum for such crime, as well as the average sentence imposed for such crime; and (D) a Department-wide assessment of the staff, finan- cial resources, and other resources (such as time, tech- nology, and training) devoted to the enforcement, investiga- tion, and prosecution of intellectual property crimes, including the number of investigators, prosecutors, and forensic specialists dedicated to investigating and pros- ecuting intellectual property crimes . ( 8 ) A summary of the efforts, activities, and resources that the Department of Justice has ta k en to— (A) minimi z e duplicating the efforts, materials, facili- ties, and procedures of any other F ederal agency respon- sible for the enforcement, investigation, or prosecution of intellectual property crimes; and (B) enhance the efficiency and consistency with which Federal funds and resources are expended to enforce, inves- tigate, or prosecute intellectual property crimes, including the extent to which the Department has utilized existing personnel, materials, technologies, and facilities. (b) I NIT I ALREPOR TO F T H E ATTORNE Y GENERAL.— T he first report re q uired to be submitted by the Attorney General under subsection (a) shall include a summary of the efforts, activities, and resources the Department of Justice has allocated in the 5 years prior to the date of enactment of this Act, as well as the 1 -year period following such date of enactment, to the enforcement, investigation, and prosecution of intellectual property crimes, including—