Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4300

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12 2 STA T .4 2 7 7 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 40 3—O CT. 13 , 200 8(i i )whet he r the p r os e cu tio n resu l te d in a con v ic - tion

and (iii) the sentence and the statutor ym a x imum f or such crime , as well as the avera g e sentence imposed for such crime; and ( 4 )a B ureau-wide assessment of the staff, financial resources, and other resources (such as time, technology, and training) devoted to the enforcement, investigation, and prosecution of intellectual property crimes, including the num b er of investigators, prosecutors, and forensic specialists dedicated to investigating and prosecuting intellectual property crimes . (d) INIT I ALREPOR TO F T H E F BI. —T he first report re q uired to be submitted by the D irector of the Federal Bureau of Investiga- tion under subsection (c) shall include a summary of the efforts, activities, and resources the Federal Bureau of Investigation has allocated in the 5 years prior to the date of enactment of this A ct, as well as the 1 -year period following such date of enactment to the enforcement, investigation, and prosecution of intellectual property crimes, including— (1) a review of the policies and efforts of the Bureau related to the prevention and investigation of intellectual property crimes; ( 2 ) a summary of the overall successes and failures of such policies and efforts; ( 3 ) a review of the investigative and prosecution activity of the Bureau with respect to intellectual property crimes, including— (A) the number of investigations initiated related to such crimes; (B) the number of arrests related to such crimes; and ( C ) the number of prosecutions for such crimes, including— (i) the number of defendants involved in such prosecutions; (ii) whether the prosecution resulted in a convic- tion; and (iii) the sentence and the statutory maximum for such crime, as well as the average sentence imposed for such crime; and (4) a Bureau-wide assessment of the staff, financial resources, and other resources (such as time, technology, and training) devoted to the enforcement, investigation, and prosecution of intellectual property crimes, including the number of investigators, prosecutors, and forensic specialists dedicated to investigating and prosecuting intellectual property crimes. TI T LEV—M I SC ELL AN E OU S SEC.501 . GAO S TUDY O NPR OTECT I ONO F INTE L LECTUAL PROPERTY OF M ANUFACTURERS. (a) S T UDY .—The Comptroller G eneral of the U nited States shall conduct a study to help determine how the Federal Government could better protect the intellectual property of manufacturers by