Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4306

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12 2 STA T .4 2 83PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 404 —O CT. 13 , 2008 (2)EF F ECTIV E DA TE .—Ther e qui re m e ntof re c u salp ro v i d ed in the amendment made by para g raph ( 1 ) shall apply to mem - bers of the N ational H istorical P ublications and R ecords C ommission serving on or after the date of enactment of this A ct. SEC.4 . ONLI NE A CCESS O F FO U N D IN G FA TH E R S DOCU M ENTS

TRANSFER OF FUNDS. (a) ING ENE R A L .—Title 4 4 ,U nited S tates Code, is amended by inserting after section 211 9 the follo w ing

‘ §21 2 0.Onli n eac ce s s of fo u n d in g fa th e r s docu m ents ‘ ‘The Archivist may enter into a cooperative agreement to pro- vide online access to the published volumes of the papers of— ‘‘(1) George W ashington

‘‘(2) Ale x ander Hamilton; ‘‘( 3 ) Thomas J efferson; ‘‘(4) B en j amin F ran k lin; ‘‘( 5 ) John Adams; ‘‘( 6 ) James M adison; and ‘‘( 7 ) other prominent historical figures, as determined appropriate by the Archivist of the United States. ’ ’. (b) TRAN S FER O FF U NDS.— (1) IN G ENERAL.—The Archivist of the United States, in the role as chairman of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission may enter into cooperative agree- ments pursuant to section 63 0 5 of title 31, United States Code, that involve the transfer of funds from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission to State and local govern- ments, tribal governments, other public entities, educational institutions, or private nonprofit organi z ations for the public purpose of carrying out section 2120 of title 44, United States Codes. (2) RE P ORT.—Not later than D ecember 31st of each year, the Archivist of the United States shall submit to the Com- mittee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on O versight and Government Reform of the House of Representatives a report on the provi- sions, amount, and duration of each cooperative agreement entered into as authorized by paragraph (1) during the pre- ceding fiscal year. (c) TEC H NICAL AND CONFOR M ING AMENDMENT.—The table of sections for chapter 21 of title 44, United States Code, is amended by adding after the item relating to section 2119 the following: ‘ ‘ 21 2 0.Onli n eac ce s s of fo u n d in g fa th e r s docu m ents. ’ ’. SEC. 5 .AD V ISOR Y COMMITTEE. (a) ESTA B LISHMENT.—The Archivist of the United States may establish an advisory committee to— (1) review the progress of the Founding Fathers editorial projects funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission; (2) develop, in consultation with the various Founding Fathers editorial projects, appropriate completion goals for the projects described in paragraph (1); 4 4 USC250 5 note. 44USC2 1 20 note. 44 USC 2501 note.