12 2 STA T .43 1 5PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 40 9—O CT. 14 , 200 8SEC.1 1. LAW E NFOR CE M EN T A U T H OR I T Y FOR D ESI G NATED FEDERAL ENTITIES. Section6( e ) o f t h e I n sp ecto rG ener alA ct of 1978 ( 5U. S. C . App.) is a m en d ed — (1) in para g raph (1) by stri k ing ‘ ‘appointed u nder section 3’ ’
and ( 2 ) by adding at the end the follo w ing
‘‘(9) In this subsection , the term ‘Inspector General’ means an Inspector General appointed under section 3 or an Inspector General appointed under section 8G.’’. SEC. 1 2 .A P PLICATION OF SEMIANNUAL REPORTING RE Q UIREMENTS WITH RESPECT TO INSPECTION REPORTS AND E V ALUATION REPORTS. Section 5 of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended— (1) in each of subsections (a)(6), (a)(8), (a)(9), (b)(2), and (b)(3)— (A) by inserting ‘‘, inspection reports, and e v aluation reports’’ after ‘‘audit reports’’ the first place it appears; and ( B ) by striking ‘‘audit’’ the second place it appears; and (2) in subsection (a)(1 0 ) by inserting ‘‘, inspection reports, and evaluation reports’’ after ‘‘audit reports’’. SEC. 1 3 . INFORMATION ON WE B SITES OF OFFICES OF INSPECTORS GENERAL. (a) I N G E NE RAL .— T he Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended by inserting after section 8 K the following: ‘ ‘SEC. 8 L. INFORMATION ON WEBSITES OF OFFICES OF INSPECTORS GENERAL. ‘‘(a) DI RE CTL IN KS T O INS P ECTORS GENERAL OF FICES.— ‘‘(1) IN G ENERAL.— E ach agency shall establish and main - tain on the homepage of the website of that agency, a direct link to the website of the Office of the Inspector General of that agency. ‘‘(2) ACCESSI B ILIT Y .—The direct link under paragraph (1) shall be obvious and facilitate accessibility to the website of the Office of the Inspector General. ‘‘(b) R E QU IRE M ENTS FOR INSPECTORS GENERAL W EBSITES.— ‘‘(1) P OSTING OF REPORTS AN D AUDITS.—The Inspector Gen- eral of each agency shall— ‘‘(A) not later than 3 days after any report or audit (or portion of any report or audit) is made publicly avail- able, post that report or audit (or portion of that report or audit) on the website of the Office of Inspector General; and ‘‘(B) ensure that any posted report or audit (or portion of that report or audit) described under subparagraph (A)— ‘‘(i) is easily accessible from a direct link on the homepage of the website of the Office of the Inspector General; ‘‘(ii) includes a summary of the findings of the Inspector General; and ‘‘(iii) is in a format that— ‘‘(I) is searchable and downloadable; and