Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4479

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12 2 STA T .4 4 56PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 41 7—O CT. 14 , 200 8(c)AIRFO R CE AC AD E MY.— ( 1 ) ING ENERA L .— Chapter903of t i t l e10 ,Un ite dS tate s Code, is a m ended by insertin g after section 93 45 the follo w ing new section

‘ §9345a.Foreign an dcult ural e x c h ange acti v itie s‘ ‘(a) A T TENDANCE A U T H ORI Z ED.— T he Secretary of the Air Force may a u thori z e the Air Force Academy to permit students, officers, and other representati v es of a foreign country to attend the Air Force Academy for periods of not more than two wee k sifthe Secretary determines that the attendance of such persons contrib - utes significantly to the development of foreign language, cross cultural interactions and understanding, and cultural immersion of cadets. ‘‘(b) CO S TS AND EXP ENSES.—The Secretary may pay the travel, subsistence, and similar personal e x penses of persons incurred to attend the Air Force Academy under subsection (a). ‘‘(c) E F FECT OF ATTENDANCE.— P ersons attending the Air Force Academy under subsection (a) are not considered to be students enrolled at the Air Force Academy and are in addition to persons receiving instruction at the Air Force Academy under section 9344 or 9345 of this title. ‘‘(d) SOURCE OF FUNDS


IMITATION.—(1) The Air Force Academy shall bear the costs of the attendance of persons under subsection (a) from funds appropriated for the Air Force Academy and from such additional funds as may be available to the Air Force Academy from a source, other than appropriated funds, to support cultural immersion, regional awareness, or foreign language training activities in connection with their attendance. ‘‘( 2 ) Expenditures from appropriated funds in support of activi- ties under this section may not exceed $ 40,000 during any fiscal year. ’ ’. (2) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of sections at the beginning of such chapter is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 9345 the following new item: ‘ ‘ 9345a.Foreign an dcult ural e x c h ange acti v itie s . ’ ’. SEC.542 . IN C R E A SE D A UTHO RIT Y TO ENRO L LDE F ENSE INDUSTRY E MP LOYEES IN DEFENSE PRODUCT DE V ELOPMENT PRO -G RAM. Section 7 049(a) of title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘25’’ and inserting ‘‘125’’. SEC. 54 3 . E X PANDED AUTHORITY FOR INSTITUTIONS OF PROFES- SIONAL MILITARY EDUCATION TO A W ARD DEGREES. (a) N ATIONAL D EFENSE INTELLIGENCE COLLEGE.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 21 6 1 of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: ‘‘§ 216 1. D egree granting authorit yf or N ational Defense I ntel - ligence C ollege ‘‘(a) AUTHORITY.—Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, the President of the National Defense Intelligence Col- lege may, upon the recommendation of the faculty of the National Defense Intelligence College, confer appropriate degrees upon grad- uates who meet the degree re q uirements. Regulations.