Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4650

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12 2 STA T .46 2 7PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 417 —O CT. 14 , 200 8SEC.1209 . IN C R E A SEINA MOU N T A V AI L A B LE F OR COSTS OF E D U - CATION AND TRAININ G OF FOREIGN MILITAR Y FORCES UNDER REGIONAL DEFENSE COMBATING TERRORISM FELLO W S H I P PROGRAM. (a)INCREAS E I N AMOU N T.—Section2 2 49 c( b )o f tit l e 10,U nite d State sC ode, is a m ended b y st r i k in g‘ ‘ $ 2 5 ,000,000 ’ ’ and inserting ‘‘$ 3 5,000,000’’. (b) EF FECTI V E D ATE.— Th e amendment made by s u bsection (a) shall take effect on O ctober 1, 200 8 , and shall a p ply w ith respect to fiscal years beginning on or after that date. Subti t leB—Ma tte rsR elati ng t oI ra q an dAf g h anistan SEC. 1211. LIMITATION ON AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES RELATING TO IRA Q . N o funds appropriated pursuant to an authori z ation of appro - priations in this Act may be obligated or e x pended for a purpose as follows

(1) To establish any military installation or base for the purpose of pro v iding for the permanent stationing of United States Armed F orces in Ira q . (2) To exercise United States control of the oil resources of Iraq. SEC. 1212. REPORT ON STATUS OF FORCES AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND IRAQ. (a) R E Q UIREMENT FOR RE P ORT.— (1) IN G ENERA L .—(A) Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the P resident shall transmit to the appropriate congressional committees a report on any agreement that has been completed between the United States and Iraq relating to— (i) the legal status of United States military personnel, civilian personnel, and contractor personnel of contracts awarded by any department or agency of the United States G overnment

(ii) the establishment of or access to military bases; (iii) the rules of engagement under which United States Armed Forces operate in Iraq; and (iv) any security commitment, arrangement, or assur- ance that obligates the United States to respond to internal or external threats against Iraq. ( B ) If, on the date that is 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, no agreement between the United States and Iraq described in subparagraph (A) has been completed, the President shall notify the appropriate congressional commit- tees that no such agreement has been completed, and shall transmit to the appropriate congressional committees the report required under subparagraph (A) as soon as practicable after such an agreement or agreements are completed. (2) UP D ATE OF REPORT.—The President shall transmit to the appropriate congressional committees an update of the report required under paragraph (1) whenever an agreement between the United States and Iraq relating to the matters described in the report is substantially revised. Notif i ca tio n.Pres i d ent. 10USC2 2 49 c note.